News for May 30, 2021

| May 30, 2021

Biden withdraws from open skies treaty with Russia. The open skies treaty allowed Russia and the United States military to make occasional flights over the other country to check on military movements or buildups as a way of assuring each other that no secret military actions were being taken. It is difficult to figure out […]

News for January 3, 2021

| January 2, 2021

“What are you faggots going to do when election comes and the polls are right and Trump loses? Off yourselves? Riot? Leave the country? Start the civil war you’ve been whining about since 2008? Oh, that’s right. You won’t do shit. You never, ever do. You will cry about the white race and say the […]

News for October 18, 2020

| October 17, 2020

Boris says there will be a “no deal” Brexit. Well, at least there will be a Brexit. This is a blow to the New World Order. Merkel will tighten lockdowns in Germany. Ireland, France also locking down hard. Australian police disrupt small covid protest at farmers market: Foreign military will be given immunity over Australians during emergency. […]

News for October 11, 2020

| October 10, 2020

China issues threat to Taiwan: Prepare for war. Trump sends destroyer into Chinese waters. On the edge of a shooting war. BLM leader says election will not stop rioting and burning. European central bank prepares for digital euro. Also going digital are the Bank of Japan, U.S. Federal Reserve, and Bank of China. Preparing for the Great […]

News for September 27, 2020

| September 26, 2020

“The socialist society of beggars and slaves is a crime against nature, since it is a backward rather than forward moving society. A socialist society is therefore the ideal place for the parasites to justify their atrocities, which need a social body for their survival.” Trump announces Platinum Plan, will give $500 billion to blacks. […]

News for September 13, 2020

| September 12, 2020

We have gotten word that critical race theory seminars in the U.S. military are turning large numbers of soldiers against Trump. This sounds logical, because the military has been forced to take in large numbers of perverts, trannies, lesbians, feminists, and other lefties who are wide open to the anti-white message. That is why Trump […]

News for August 9, 2020

| August 9, 2020

Israel hit Beirut with a low-grade atomic weapon, according to the radiation signature: There will be a lot of chatter and denials about this incident, but we’ll stick with Israel until proven wrong. Israel had the means and the motive. Fire breaks out at World Trade Center in Belgium. We don’t have any background on […]