The Queen of Death speaks

| March 1, 2009

UN Population Fund director Thoraya Obaid outlined her proposals for further population reduction in a speech at UN headquarters in September 2008. Obaid treasures the insights of Paul Ehrlich’s The Population Bomb, which predicted massive worldwide famine before the end of the twentieth century. Despite controlling a death budget of over $400 million, Obaid called […]

A peek into the future

| January 20, 2009

The European Union plans to ban large-screen plasma TVs because they use too much energy. See the story at the Daily Express. Britain is set to search home PC’s without a warrant, under European Union guidelines. See the story at TimesOnline. A report on the schools of the future at WiseUp Journal. Good links at […]

UN restructuring

| December 1, 2008

The United Nations is proposing a restructuring by adoption of a UN Parliamentary Assembly. The UN says that it will allow for more democratic representation in the UN. NWOU is not exactly sure what lies behind this proposal, perhaps dissatisfaction with the ability of the Security Council to block UN initiatives that originate in the […]

How the UN brainwashes children

| January 2, 2008

Deborah Brewster in the Financial Times reports the UN is going to advertise to children using superheroes to help the UN save the planet. I wonder if the UN will also give the kids a list of wars they started or details on their population control programs?