Health danger in genetically modified food

| July 5, 2009

The American Academy of Environmental Medicine has called for a moratorium on genetically modified food due to potential health dangers. William Engdahl reports at Financial Sense. This reports targets Monsanto Corporation and President George H.W. Bush as irresponsible parties promoting genetically modified foods without testing.

UN corruption

| June 30, 2009

We have been hoping to find a reporter keeping up with corruption at the United Nations. Although the UN is one of the most corrupt institutions, few reporters have taken it on. We were pleased to come across Claudia Rosett’s article from 2006 at Canada Free Press. Although a bit dated, this article provides solid […]

UN now favors drug decriminalization

| June 26, 2009

The United Nations has lined up with the Obama administration (or is it the other way around?) in favoring decriminalization of drugs. See the story at the Huffington Post. Meanwhile, the Telegraph reports that Britain is the cocaine capital of Europe, with 1 million estimated users.

Global cooling threatens crop yields worldwide

| June 16, 2009

The Telegraph reports on unusually cold weather around the world since 2007, including summer snowstorms in Saudi Arabia, frosts in Brazil, and hailstorms in China. Abnormally cold weather is causing late planting. Projections of crop yields for essential foodstuffs such as soybeans and corn are down significantly around the globe, particularly in the U.S. and […]

The UN human rights con game

| June 15, 2009

Back in 1998 Glenn Woiceshyn wrote a short article contrasting the UN human rights agenda with individual rights. This brief article provides a nice introduction to the two competing human rights agendas, the individual rights supported by the Right and the Marxist economic rights supported by the Left. The Left confuses and undermines civilization by […]

World Bank corruption

| June 6, 2009

The World Bank has discovered its own corruption. The author of this article, Bea Edwards, seems to think World Bank corruption is some kind of unfortunate development that can be fixed. What do globalists do when they discover globalist corruption? They propose a “reform.” As if globalism could be reformed. The corruption is programmed in […]

Is breaking off hard to do?

| May 24, 2009

The global financial crash and the Obama administration’s response (big bank bailouts and deficit spending that doesn’t target job creation) have created a new constituency for anti-New World Order studies. For the moment let’s characterize this constituency as “Angry Men” (and women of course) who are becoming suddenly awake to the con game of the […]