Gates opens U.S. military to Chinese

| November 6, 2009

It’s difficult for us to get a comprehensive view of foreign affairs today. One reason is that there are so many global meetings negotiating in secret. Another reason is, we haven’t found anyone with superior knowledge who shares our pro-nationalist, anti-New World Order position. We aren’t privy to any inside information, but we have found […]

Obama sells out US to United Nations

| September 24, 2009

Yesterday President Obama gave a speech at the UN that outlines his vision for U.S. leadership in the world. We have been telling you for months now that Obama’s role is to surrender the United States to the control of the New World Order and its various institutions, the UN, the EU, the North American […]

The cap and trade takeover

| September 20, 2009

As you know by now, global average temperatures are cooling, not warming. The warmists have changed their language, abandoning global warming and adopting climate change as justification for their schemes. Newsbusters reports on the cooling trend and the plan to sue Al Gore and other alarmists.

How to handle forced vaccination

| August 19, 2009

“The World Health Organization determined in 2005 it has the authority to dissolve sovereign governments and take control should there be a “pandemic”.” The World Health Organization is one of the most powerful agencies in the world. If the WHO declares a swine flu pandemic in the United States, the country will be ruled by […]

Is swine flu vaccine dangerous?

| August 12, 2009

A lot of stories are popping up on the net warning that swine flu vaccinations are dangerous. The World Health Organization appears to be acting strangely at this moment. The plans for vaccination in various countries are being handled in strange ways. The story of the development of the vaccine has shady and conspiratorial aspects. […]

UN admits “human rights” targets family destruction

| August 4, 2009

The UN Population Fund associates human rights progress with family breakdown. See the debate between “human rights” (socialism) and “patriarchy” (family formation) at United Families International.

UN proposes gender-policing global agency

| July 8, 2009

The United Nations is trying to lure the nations of the world into supporting a global gender-policing agency. What would they police? We’re not sure exactly, but it has something to do with gender-norming, which we believe is Communist code for feminism and the feminist death culture, promoting homosexuality and gender confusion, brainwashing children, the […]