News for January 4, 2020

| January 4, 2020

The worst trend of 2019 was the censorship and banning of websites (and tweets) for hate speech. The Supreme Court has ruled that hate speech is legal, but Big Tech is very Left and committed to New World Order takeover. Germany has a new hate-speech bill that will make sure internet posters get prosecuted: Oregon […]

News for December 15, 2019

| December 14, 2019

Lots of news this week. Boris Johnson and the Tories hand a smashing defeat to Labour. We assume this electoral victory ensures Brexit. The Trump impeachment resolution has passed out of committee, headed to a full House vote. The Democrats’ rhetoric over “bribery” and “quid pro quo” have been dropped. The whole point of this […]

News for December 7, 2019

| December 7, 2019

The Obama administration’s crime wave in Ukraine. How Ukraine funneled laundered IMF bailout money to the Clinton foundation. It looks like Iran is suffering a color revolution. News from Tehran a few days ago. Trump backs down on plan to designate Mexican drug cartels as terrorist organizations. European Union opposes Poland’s “stop pedophilia” legislation. Virginia recently […]

News for November 30, 2019

| November 29, 2019

The Jews are trying to take down TruNews for reporting that Jews are leading the impeachment of Donald Trump. President Trump intends to designate Mexican drug cartels as terrorist organizations. DEA agent applauds decision. We also applaud the decision if Trump actually takes out the cartels. Besides committing tens of thousands of murders, the cartels have displaced well […]

News for November 11, 2019

| November 10, 2019

“The underlying point is it transfers free markets to statist management on a global scale not seen before.” Alasdair Macleod reports on the plan by the central bankers to “reset the financial system” and retain control. This plan is further developed than Macleod lets on. It’s right around the corner, and it depends on going […]

News for November 3, 2019

| November 3, 2019

Trump accuses Obama of treason. So? Prosecute him. The impeachment whistleblower has been identified as a CIA agent, Eric Ciaramella, who was involved in the Russia hoax. He won’t testify before the congressional impeachment investigation. Hmmm, why not? Donald Trump’s fake withdrawal from Syria. Trump is boxed in by the neocons and the evangelicals. Lavrov on Russia’s […]

News for October 13, 2019

| October 13, 2019

It looks like everybody is involved with Ukraine–-Schiff, Pelosi, Romney, the Bidens, Obama and Soros. Now they are investigating Giuliani. October 19 will be national protest for Trump impeachment day. Inside Hunter Biden’s Dealings with Shadowy Foreign Firms. He will get away with it if Trump doesn’t prosecute him. The previous administration in Ukraine had already […]