News for May 17, 2020

| May 17, 2020

War news from the South China Sea: Chinese aircraft land on manmade islands in South China Sea. The United States military is preparing for a war in this theatre, but it cannot win one unless it uses nuclear weapons. We have it that this death was an assassination and probably contributed to Trump’s public statements about […]

News for May 10, 2020

| May 10, 2020

“As a general rule, the earlier you recognize someone is trying to kill you, the better off you’ll be.” Fauci and Birx used a fraudulent model to lockdown United States. Dr. Birx slips up on TV and reveals the Gates connection: Lockdown didn’t prevent spread of virus says Swedish epidemiologist. Why social distancing is a […]

News for April 26, 2020

| April 26, 2020

We were going to open this post with a video interview of Dr. Rashid Buttar explaining how Dr. Fauci broke federal laws by funding gain of function virus research in China, as well as other crimes deserving arrest and trial. But JewTube deleted the video. Then, up pops another video of a doctor making similar […]

News for April 19, 2020

| April 19, 2020

The coronavirus outbreak is taking place within the overall framework of the war between China and the United States. China believes that the virus outbreak was caused by a U.S. soldier attending military games in Wuhan, China. The United States government believes the virus outbreak was caused by weaponized virus research at the Wuhan Institute, […]

News for March 29, 2020

| March 29, 2020

We are putting the following interview with Dr. Shiva first, even though it is over an hour long, because it is the best interview we have seen on the corona virus epidemic. The first part of the video is about the invention of email, which is sort of interesting, so we recommend that you view […]

News for March 15, 2020

| March 15, 2020

It would be most helpful if you could figure out that the government is lying to you. CDC director Robert Redfield testified to Congress that coronavirus deaths have been miscategorized as the flu. The CDC has been testing for coronavirus “as a last resort.” Coronavirus is not the flu: U.S. OSTP Director Sends Letter to NAS […]

News for February 17, 2020

| February 16, 2020

State of the Nation has a long and rambling piece about the coronavirus epidemic, calling it an international criminal conspiracy. It looks like an attack on China to us, though it may be impossible to nail down the origin of the attack or the motive. What’s new here: SOTN links the epidemic with the rollout […]