October turning point

| October 10, 2015

We are in a new era of the New World Order takeover. China and Russia are successfully blocking U.S. initiatives. This is entirely due to the strange incompetence of Barack Obama. China and Russia were U.S. allies when Obama took office. Now they are enemies of the United States government, and they have taken significant […]

Late September News

| September 28, 2015

Sartre defends nationalism against the New World Order assaults on sovereignty at From the Trenches. “As it stands now, the American government has forfeited any claim as a legitimate steward of the public trust. Compounding this fact is that the technocratic superstructure of agencies, institutions and authorities has become integral parts of inflicting the New […]

Mind-control summary

| July 29, 2015

The following post is reprinted from Paranoia magazine. It provides a brief overview of U.S. government (CIA) mind-control programs. Our point in posting this material is to suggest that many crimes are committed by mind-controlled actors rather than by “troubled lone-wolf assassins” or “independent terrorists,” as the news media report. One of the best-documented cases […]

Check your version of reality here

| July 7, 2015

Feminist college professor says men who engage in harassment should be chemically castrated and executed. It seems that execution should be enough punishment, really, don’t you think? Or maybe just leave the guys alone? We’ve discovered Devvy Kidd. A warrior. Nice expose on the crimes of homosexuals. Homosexuality ought to be illegal on the basis […]

How to avoid capture if you are on the Jade Helm red list

| May 29, 2015

The following post is reprinted in its entirety from Dave Hodges’ The Common Sense Show. If you are not in a Jade Helm state, the post is useful for understanding police state tracking methods.   It is the latter days of summer and there’s not much excitement. However, one day stands out like no other. […]

Freemasonry: organized crime syndicate

| April 18, 2015

“Brethren and Companions, give free vent to your sorrow; the days of innocent equality are gone by. However holy our mysteries may have been, the lodges are now profaned and sullied. Brethren, and companions, let your tears flow; attired in your mourning robes attend, and let us seal up the gates of our temples, for […]

As your world turned, March 6, 2015

| March 6, 2015

How the European (Socialist) Dream Is Dying, State by State. A graphic look at shifting public opinion on the EU. But public opinion is not shifting fast enough, and the Commie Jews have the proposed legislation to tighten the screws on dissenters. QE will buy the banks more time, and Greece seems to be getting […]