News for January 11, 2020

| January 11, 2020

Justice Department ends investigation of Hillary Clinton, no charges. Brings to mind an old editorial from Freeman, the system can’t be fixed. Whitney Webb has been pretty reliable so far, listen to her speak about the Soleimani assassination here. Hussein Askary has context on the Soleimani assassination: More mideast background from Aangirfan. Virginia planning roadblocks […]

News for January 4, 2020

| January 4, 2020

The worst trend of 2019 was the censorship and banning of websites (and tweets) for hate speech. The Supreme Court has ruled that hate speech is legal, but Big Tech is very Left and committed to New World Order takeover. Germany has a new hate-speech bill that will make sure internet posters get prosecuted: Oregon […]

News for November 23, 2019

| November 24, 2019

No one has testified at the impeachment hearing that there was a bribe or an agreement. Is Giuliani at risk for representing the president? A reminder that John Kerry violated the Logan Act and never got prosecuted. Biden charities report zero dollars given to charity. Ukrainian parliament calls on U.S. and Ukraine presidents to investigate […]

News for October 27, 2019

| October 26, 2019

Why the Department of Justice Durham administrative review is now a criminal investigation. Because they discovered the CIA cooked up the Russia collusion hoax. How former Ukrainian President Poroshenko laundered money to Obama’s agents. Hunter Biden never worked in Ukraine. Hunter Biden helped Communist China acquire “strategically significant assets.” The deep state targeted Michael Flynn […]

News for August 31, 2019

| August 31, 2019

A report on the World Government Summit: Judge closes case against Jeffrey Epstein. It is possible that there could be further prosecutions, but we don’t think so. If the FBI has evidence gathered from Lolita island, what will they do with it? Could it be used to buy more silence and inaction? Victims speak out about […]

News for August 24, 2019

| August 24, 2019

Greg Hunter interviews Kevin Shipp on the Epstein murder. Shipp points the finger at Barr for negligence. Yep. A look inside Jeffrey Epstein’s business empire. A French modeling agency supplied Epstein with about 1,000 girls. We thought about the modeling connection when Leslie Wexner (Victoria’s Secret) was identified as a colleague of Epstein. Any place […]

News for May 19, 2019

| May 19, 2019

J.D. Heyes is one among many voices exclaiming about the censorship of websites and social media. Yes, the Left wants to shut down every dissenting voice, including ours. The Jews are particularly active censors, using anti-semitism as justification for silencing those who tell the truth. President Trump says he is “monitoring” the situation, but Trump […]