News for April 11, 2020

| April 11, 2020

As the global control system weakens, China becomes more aggressive. The U.S. war with China in the South China Sea. Very informative video. Catch up. The U.S. Navy has an aircraft carrier problem: China says it will give medical supplies to France if France adopts Huawei technology. Unfortunately, medical goods shipments from China have mainly featured […]

News for April 5, 2020

| April 5, 2020

Why sars coronavirus is different from the flu: “The ability to infect nerve cells is, while not unheard of, extremely rare. It is common knowledge that HSV integrates itself into nerve cells, effectively “hiding” beyond the reach of the immune system. HIV similarly hides in immune CD4+ T-cells and remains latent for years. Herpes is […]

News for March 29, 2020

| March 29, 2020

We are putting the following interview with Dr. Shiva first, even though it is over an hour long, because it is the best interview we have seen on the corona virus epidemic. The first part of the video is about the invention of email, which is sort of interesting, so we recommend that you view […]

News for March 21, 2020

| March 21, 2020

“A pandemic will facilitate the creation of a world government.”   Jacques Attali, the jew who runs France We have been trying to locate the origin of the coronavirus as this would tell us if the virus is an accidental mutation or a plot to destabilize existing institutions and usher in the next phase of […]

News for March 15, 2020

| March 15, 2020

It would be most helpful if you could figure out that the government is lying to you. CDC director Robert Redfield testified to Congress that coronavirus deaths have been miscategorized as the flu. The CDC has been testing for coronavirus “as a last resort.” Coronavirus is not the flu: U.S. OSTP Director Sends Letter to NAS […]

News for March 8, 2020

| March 8, 2020

Coronavirus is not the flu. It is more virulent (infectious), it causes higher rates of death, and the public has no antibodies against it: More statistics at Zero Hedge for “it’s just the flu” crowd. Major cities turning into ghost towns. 2,700 are quarantined in New York City. Mike Adams projects the death rate in […]

News for January 19, 2020

| January 18, 2020

AfD’s Martin Hess addresses Germany’s parliament and charges the socialists with importing immigrant war machines terrorizing the German people: Virginia governor declares state of emergency, capitol weapons ban. FBI arrests white nationalists before Virginia gun rally. More here. Virginia state senator says gun owners have mental issues. A warning that the January 20 protest in […]