On the verge of the total takeover

| July 2, 2009

NWOU has been particularly worried about the passage of the cap and trade bill and the hate-speech legislation currently before the U.S. Senate. Both of these bills severely restrict first-amendment freedoms. They are the last nail in the coffin of the idea of citizenship and a free republic. We don’t need to write up reports […]

Green advertising mostly bogus

| June 25, 2009

The Guardian reports that the vast majority of advertising claims for environmentally friendly products are false and misleading.

The polar bears will be fine, it’s the farmers we’re worried about

| April 3, 2009

Nicholas Dawidoff has a nice long article on physicist Freeman Dyson at The New York Times Magazine. Dyson is probably the most eminent scientist debunking global warming, but there is much more to Dyson than debunking global warming. The interview is also useful for Dyson’s insight into scientific arrogance and the problematic psychology of obsessive […]

Pushing back against politicized pseudoscience

| March 17, 2009

The Heartland Institute is covering the proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Climate Change, held from March 8 to 10 in New York City. Lots of videos at the Heartland website. EU President Vaclav Havel’s remarks are at Blacklisted News. Unfortunately, President Obama has selected one of the worst environmental nitwits, John Holdren, to […]

Australian fires are another environmentalist crime

| February 12, 2009

General reporting on the Australian wildfires at AP/Google, BBC News, Yahoo News, and the Australian Herald-Sun. The liberal press finds the proximate causes in arson, global warming, drought, and hot weather. The real crime is environmentalism. See “Green Ideas Must Take Blame for Deaths” at the Brisbane Times and “Angry Survivors Blame Council Green Policy” […]

The environmentalists who cried “wolf”

| January 30, 2009

John Coleman, founder of the Weather Channel, trashed Al Gore’s claims of global warming just as Gore was testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. The story is at Fox News. “Most of the great environmental struggles will be either won or lost in the 1990s and … by the next century it will be […]

England organizes food police

| January 18, 2009

The Telegraph reports that England has devoted 30,000 pounds to organizing WRAP, a program devoted to reducing household food waste. The pilot program will feature house visits in which officials will instruct citizens in approved recipes, how to read food labels, and how to avoid wasting food. The organizers link food waste with increased carbon […]