Gates opens U.S. military to Chinese

| November 6, 2009

It’s difficult for us to get a comprehensive view of foreign affairs today. One reason is that there are so many global meetings negotiating in secret. Another reason is, we haven’t found anyone with superior knowledge who shares our pro-nationalist, anti-New World Order position. We aren’t privy to any inside information, but we have found […]

A warning on Copenhagen

| October 19, 2009

British science adviser Christopher Monckton warned in a speech last week that the upcoming climate summit in Cophenhagen would result in world government. Quotes from Lord Monckton and excerpts from the Cophenhagen Treaty at FightinWords. Copenhagen will be the Big Takeover.

Obama sells out US to United Nations

| September 24, 2009

Yesterday President Obama gave a speech at the UN that outlines his vision for U.S. leadership in the world. We have been telling you for months now that Obama’s role is to surrender the United States to the control of the New World Order and its various institutions, the UN, the EU, the North American […]

The cap and trade takeover

| September 20, 2009

As you know by now, global average temperatures are cooling, not warming. The warmists have changed their language, abandoning global warming and adopting climate change as justification for their schemes. Newsbusters reports on the cooling trend and the plan to sue Al Gore and other alarmists.

Carbon credits to be new world currency

| August 18, 2009

Baron Rothschild called for a world agency to control carbon credit trading back in January. The story is at the Telegraph. Without a World Environment Agency, the global scheme for carbon emissions could not be enforced. Of course, this is going to mean loss of sovereignty. But that’s no problem for the climate control profiteers. […]

Obama appoints evil population controller as science czar

| July 13, 2009

Obama’s new science czar, John Holdren, is a radical global population controller, a climate alarmist, and a front for the liberal death culture. Holdren has been a promoter of a global tyranny controlling all human reproduction. See the deep background on Holdren’s beliefs at zombietime.

Obama embraces lunatic fringe climate controllers

| July 5, 2009

If you think that carbon taxers and global warmists have led us to a new era of global socialist takeover, you are on the right track. Fear and loathing are the correct responses to the warmists, with their phony computer models, alternative energy schemes, global control programs, and population reduction agendas.