Why environmentalism is evil

| July 27, 2010

There are two main parts to the evil environmental agenda, world depopulation and government control over energy use. We have documented the success of the world depopulation establishment in our many book reviews, see World Depopulation Agenda or click on the Depopulation link under Categories in the right column. The Green Agenda is also a […]

The World Wildlife Fund scam

| July 20, 2010

Would you be surprised if we told you the World Wildlife Fund isn’t really about wildlife? Or that national parks aren’t really about conservation of nature? Would you be shocked if we told you the whole “wildlife preservation” scheme is really just a scam to make a few elite investors rich? Conservation schemes are not […]

Beck discovers green con artists

| May 14, 2010

We lost interest in Glenn Beck when he went off on the founding fathers and hope, faith, and charity, but last night we caught some of Beck’s program. He has moved up the knowledge curve. Last year Beck discovered that Progressivism was Communism in slow motion and the Obama administration mainly consists of Communist operatives. […]

Takeover or collapse?

| April 5, 2010

We go to Centurean2 for reporting on the socialist takeover of Britain. Centurean reports local news, and their New World Order history usually checks out with our careful research. But it was a speculative piece that caught our attention this time, the takeover timeline.

The evil Green network

| March 7, 2010

We came across a nice page at Free Republic dealing with the Rainforest Network, Van Jones, and other eco-communists. It’s nice to see Climategate scammer Phil Jones on the hot seat and sweating. But that’s not enough punishment. It’s about time scientists went to jail along with the other crooks. “Senator James Inhofe released a […]

Going Green requires therapy

| February 14, 2010

The New York Times reports on family and relationship tensions around going Green. This happens because many people apply the false ideas of “one-world environment” and “resource shortages” to their personal lives. There are very few resource shortages, and these scarce resources are always manged by price, which leads to substitution. The world isn’t a […]

More green frauds

| January 23, 2010

We seem to be in a period when green frauds are being exposed and publicized as dirty liberal tax and control schemes just about every day. The pattern of liberal frauds is clear, and we know who is doing it. Catch up with a couple more recent exposures: