News for February 19, 2019

| February 18, 2019

France has arrested 1800 Yellow Vest members. We can’t figure out how this protest is going, but Macron is holding on. Texas may come up with funds to help Trump build the wall: Spain’s socialists couldn’t pass a budget, so new elections are called in Spain. Anything that slows down the socialists is good news. Whatever […]

News for November 10, 2018

| November 10, 2018

We don’t have anything to say about the elections that you can’t find elsewhere, but we shall note that the firing of Attorney General Sessions kicks off a new stage in the civil war. Meaning, more violence. Jim Holt at Gateway Pundit reports on the Democrats’ election fraud. Let the indictments begin: Linda Sanchez of […]

News for October 13, 2018

| October 13, 2018

Aim4Truth has posted an analysis of the deep state, showing control and communication lines. This is mind-boggling. Big Tech plus Big Government equals a juggernaut too powerful to oppose. Aren’t you proud they used your tax dollars for this? Nikki Haley resigned her post as UN ambassador because she was guilty of taking illegal gifts. […]

News for April 7, 2018

| April 7, 2018

British government denies claiming Russia nerve agent poison was responsible for Skirpal poisoning. A silly and irresponsible charge, now denied, means Britain can’t keep its lies straight. Are the expelled Russians welcome back? No, because Britain is part of the coalition pushing for war with Russia. France is sending military forces to Syria. Because France […]

News for March 29, 2018

| March 29, 2018

We were feeling pretty sanguine about the chances for peace in Korea until Trump replaced Secretary of State Tillerson with Mike Pompeo and brought in John Bolton to head NSA. Both of these fellows are warmongers, not peaceniks. Bolton was a principal planner of the war in Iraq. He will likely be on board with […]

News for March 20, 2018

| March 20, 2018

The Korean peace proposal would unify North and South Korea, keeping Kim as a figurehead while the real government behind the scenes is a committee of adults. North Korea would scrap its nuclear weapons in return for a U.S. pledge not to advance its military beyond the present border. This appears to be the brainchild […]

News for June 11, 2017

| June 11, 2017

What Bilderberg Really Wants in 2017: Hat tip Truthstream Media. Check them out. Rand Paul schools globalist dipwad Jake Tapper on the Paris climate change agreement: Moon of Alabama takes a look back at the Saudi seduction of Trump. Duterte returns to Philippines as ISIS targets Mindanao. Matteo Salvini calls European migrant crisis an invasion. […]