News for July 11, 2021

| July 10, 2021

As Biden withdraws U.S. military from Afghanistan, China moves in. This is another marker of the decline of U.S. imperialism and the rise of China to supreme world power. The President of Haiti was quite popular among Haitians but rather unpopular with Joe Biden, who told him not to run for office again. This arrest […]

News for June 26, 2021

| June 25, 2021

“Terror is nothing but prompt, severe, inflexible justice… It is less a special principle than a consequence of the general principle of democracy applied to our country’s most pressing needs.” Maximilien Robespierre Democrat says it’s OK for white people to be executed in the streets: Black mob twerks on top of ambulance in Oakland on […]

News for May 23, 2021

| May 22, 2021

Biden cancels sanctions on NordStream 2 pipeline. Because he wants to keep Germany as an ally. Aangirfan reports Israel created Hamas, footage of rockets fired into Jerusalem are faked. Israel lures Palestinians into tunnels, then bombs them. Bombing a journalism office is a crime according to international law. Israel announces cease-fire, how long will it […]

News for March 28, 2021

| March 27, 2021

Biden arming Ukraine for war with Russia. Biden doesn’t want to attack Russia with the U.S. military, he wants to use Ukraine as a proxy. Lavrov says Russia has no relations with Europe. Also no relations with the United States. Russia looking for wide partnership to resist sanctions. Russia will likely find a few small anti-U.S. countries to […]

News for October 18, 2020

| October 17, 2020

Boris says there will be a “no deal” Brexit. Well, at least there will be a Brexit. This is a blow to the New World Order. Merkel will tighten lockdowns in Germany. Ireland, France also locking down hard. Australian police disrupt small covid protest at farmers market: Foreign military will be given immunity over Australians during emergency. […]

News for July 5, 2020

| July 4, 2020

Report from the front lines of the race war: Hispanic revolutionary posts “kill all white people” video. Black Lives Matter in France, too:   The McCloskeys now represent vigilante America. The cops aren’t coming to help you resist terror attacks by the Black Lives Matter Communists. The irony is, McCloskey was a civil rights lawyer […]

News for February 17, 2020

| February 16, 2020

State of the Nation has a long and rambling piece about the coronavirus epidemic, calling it an international criminal conspiracy. It looks like an attack on China to us, though it may be impossible to nail down the origin of the attack or the motive. What’s new here: SOTN links the epidemic with the rollout […]