Review of The Coming Anarchy

| May 6, 2009

Today we shall begin a discussion of alternative futures. This discussion is not intended to predict the future or to lead you to believe in one inevitable future scenario. The purpose of this discussion is to range widely over contemporary thinking about the future to widen your perspective so that you can make intelligent decisions […]

Worried about al-Qaeda?

| May 2, 2009

When we wrote our post Getting Past 9/11, we were asking ourselves the question, how much do we need to fear another terrorist attack from al-Qaeda, if indeed al-Qaeda organized the 9/11 attack? We no sooner asked the question and lo! we soon found an answer, from Foreign Affairs, of all places.

Getting past 9/11

| April 26, 2009

NWOU is not a 9/11 truther, researcher, or advocate. We came to New World Order studies from our research into the history of secret societies, where the plans for the New World Order were developed. We have not investigated 9/11 conspiracy theories in depth because we have other research priorities. The best book we have […]

What we can learn from feminism and multiculturalism

| April 22, 2009

NWOU doesn’t keep up with feminism, but today we are going to talk about it a little bit because we need to discuss the effects of feminism and multiculturalism for beginners before we can move to a discussion of alternative futures. People who are caught up in New World Order propaganda usually adopt some version […]

Why Islam is taking over Europe

| February 18, 2009

The legal basis for the Islamicization of Europe is called the Barcelona Declaration, The Barcelona-EuroMediterranean Declaration of 1995. It is a New World Order takeover program designed to destroy national cultural identity. Multiculturalism is a Neomarxist weapon designed to destroy identities so that world citizenship will become everyone’s reference point. It’s not really about tolerance […]

Finding dissent at the state level

| February 9, 2009

Elsewhere on this site we have reported on the phony accounting practices of state governments, which hide assets while reporting budgets based on current income and liabilities only. “Are the States Really Broke or Are They Hiding Assets?” at The Kick Them All Out Project offers details on the scandal of state budgets and related […]

Chip implant news

| February 7, 2009

A brief history of microchip technology and mind control at NaturoDoc. Kurt Nimmo reported in TruthNews in 2007 that Mexico planned to implant chips in Central American migrant workers. Stan Jones of Montana believes the chip implant threat is part of the National ID plan.