The Jews Around Weishaupt

| July 20, 2017

Our question is whether the head of the Bavarian Illuminati, Adam Weishaupt, was influenced by satanic Frankist Jews in developing his plan for the New World Order. Adam Weishaupt was a Jew. Several researchers have attempted to answer this question. They don’t all agree, but the answer should be clear when we compare results from […]

How Hillary’s crime syndicate works

| June 30, 2017

John B. Wells interviews researcher George Webb on how Hillary’s crime syndicate works:

The Polaire Fraternity

| June 18, 2017

We recently came across mention of an obscure secret society called the Polaires. Members included Rene Guenon and Julius Evola. The Polaires believed they had found a method to communicate with the leaders of Agartha. The Oracle of Astral Force was their method. Zam Bhotiva published a book about it in 1929. The late Philip […]

Origins of Zionism

| May 21, 2017

Secret Leader of Zionism at Antimatrix identifies Asher Ginsburg as the founding father of Zionism. Ginsburg was a member of Alliance Israelite Universelle, Anglo-Jewish Association, and B’nai B’rith, the elite Jewish organizations that formulated the plans for the Jews to dominate the world. Ginsburg was the founder of Bne Moshe, the Sons of Moses. This […]

The Real Secrets Hidden in Antarctica

| April 9, 2017

Hat tip Aaron and Melissa Dykes.

A Goy Guide to World History

| March 23, 2017

“We have internalized the commands of our oppressors”  E. Michael Jones The title A Goy Guide to World History is misleading if you are expecting a comprehensive guide to the role of the Jews in Western history. There is some discussion of the subject, but the omissions are glaring. We are always surprised when a […]

Finishing Lenin’s world revolution

| March 19, 2017

Christopher Story, The European Union Collective, Enemy of Its Member States: A Study in Russian and German Strategy to Complete Lenin’s World Revolution. “The aim of socialism is not only to abolish the present division of mankind into small states, and all national isolation, not only to bring the nations closer to each other, but […]