The racial integration con job

| April 28, 2010

“Feminism, Socialism, and Communism are one in the same, and Socialist/Communist government is the goal of feminism.” Catherine MacKinnon, Toward a Feminist Theory of the State Feminism is about more than special rights for women, easy divorce, hiring preferences, and eliminating the authority of the father. It’s also about putting state power over the family, […]

What crisis means

| March 13, 2010

We watched an interesting speech by Ian Mitroff broadcast on CSPAN last weekend. Mitroff is a writer and a consultant to governments and corporations who are experiencing crisis or want to prevent crises. Mitroff is an expert in managing crises, a social scientist and a systems analyst. We want to credit Mitroff with a couple […]

Dreaming other people’s dreams

| December 10, 2009

“Other things being equal, the more a child is exposed to the media (television and Internet), the more materialistic she becomes, the worse she relates to her parents and the worse her mental health.” Television has introduced an entirely new form of thought control to the Marxist mass pseudo-society. Yes, there are more specific and […]


| December 5, 2009

NWOU is always delighted when we come across a piece of writing that we can endorse. Unfortunately, that seldom happens, so we usually have to write the posts ourselves. But today we are going to send you to a piece that describes what has happened to democracy in the media age, Postdemocracy by E.R.E. Knutsson. […]

How postmodernism controls your identity, Part 2

| August 7, 2009

In our previous post we explained how Communists model their approved stereotypes in media to brainwash and colonize naive, confused, and anxious people, the most unstable personalities, and turn them into change-agents of the cultural revolution. There was little Communist modeling in the media of the 1950s, but starting in the 1960s Communist models appeared […]

How postmodernism controls your identity, Part 1

| August 5, 2009

NWOU wants to expand our coverage of cultural topics to improve your understanding of New World Order strategies to destroy white conservative culture and white identity. This is a big topic. The radical octopus has many tentacles. Cultural destruction is planned and carried out by a variety of radical groups. Of course, many of you […]

How they will take your kids

| May 30, 2009

Michael Vail at Blacklisted News provides background research on how Pavlovian conditioning techniques took over American education. Unless you are able to break out of Marxist and capitalist conditioning, you are working for your own takeover.