News for March 15, 2020

| March 15, 2020

It would be most helpful if you could figure out that the government is lying to you. CDC director Robert Redfield testified to Congress that coronavirus deaths have been miscategorized as the flu. The CDC has been testing for coronavirus “as a last resort.” Coronavirus is not the flu: U.S. OSTP Director Sends Letter to NAS […]

News for February 22, 2020

| February 22, 2020

Good news first: The United Kingdom will bar entrance to non-English speaking migrants and unskilled overseas workers. Congratulations. But the UK is still cucked. SOTN update on what is known about the coronavirus, February 19. Why it’s difficult for the Jew-controlled Marxist media to celebrate the liberation of Syria. Meanwhile, the Israeli Mafia threatens more “offensive actions” […]

News for February 17, 2020

| February 16, 2020

State of the Nation has a long and rambling piece about the coronavirus epidemic, calling it an international criminal conspiracy. It looks like an attack on China to us, though it may be impossible to nail down the origin of the attack or the motive. What’s new here: SOTN links the epidemic with the rollout […]

News for February 9, 2020

| February 8, 2020

Get your coronavirus news updates at Natural News. A reliable source. Best background article on the coronavirus. It is a weaponized virus. Ooops, Dr. Plummer found dead in Africa. Why the United Nations loves the coronavirus epidemic. Why Bill Gates is always a legitimate suspect whenever virus epidemics and vaccines threaten to reduce population: Secretary of […]

News for February 2, 2020

| February 2, 2020

How a viral pandemic benefits the globalists. Big Pharma forms internet censorship group. Canada was sending lethal viruses to China. What the controllers talked about at Davos. Arab League rejects Jew peace plan, Palestinian authority cuts ties with U.S. and Israel. Former Ukrainian prosecutor files complaint against Joe Biden. Hillary tweets no one is above […]

News for December 15, 2019

| December 14, 2019

Lots of news this week. Boris Johnson and the Tories hand a smashing defeat to Labour. We assume this electoral victory ensures Brexit. The Trump impeachment resolution has passed out of committee, headed to a full House vote. The Democrats’ rhetoric over “bribery” and “quid pro quo” have been dropped. The whole point of this […]

News for November 11, 2019

| November 10, 2019

“The underlying point is it transfers free markets to statist management on a global scale not seen before.” Alasdair Macleod reports on the plan by the central bankers to “reset the financial system” and retain control. This plan is further developed than Macleod lets on. It’s right around the corner, and it depends on going […]