News for January 15, 2022

| January 14, 2022

Russia/NATO talks are going nowhere. Biden prepares more sanctions on Russia. Russia sends troops to Kazakhstan to quash color revolution, pulls troops out the same week. China also sends troops. Kazakhstan is the homeland of the Khazarian jewish mafia. Its new city Astara, full of Illuminati symbolism, was a center of drug trafficking and money […]

News for December 18, 2021

| December 17, 2021

Russia vetoes UN climate change resolution that would insert Green propaganda into international relations. Putin saves us again. Putin, Xi cement alliance as World War III starts. India shifts toward Russia. Russia and China are building a new payments platform to isolate them from the U.S. dollar. Good move. EU summit extends sanctions against Russia […]

News for December 20, 2020

| December 19, 2020

The electoral college met on Monday. We believe 7 states sent two slates of electors, one Democrat and one Republican. This means the electoral college vote is not decisive. The decisive vote will occur January 6 when congress meets to count and ratify the votes. Republicans will challenge the Democratic electors from the 7 states, […]

News for April 19, 2020

| April 19, 2020

The coronavirus outbreak is taking place within the overall framework of the war between China and the United States. China believes that the virus outbreak was caused by a U.S. soldier attending military games in Wuhan, China. The United States government believes the virus outbreak was caused by weaponized virus research at the Wuhan Institute, […]

News for April 5, 2020

| April 5, 2020

Why sars coronavirus is different from the flu: “The ability to infect nerve cells is, while not unheard of, extremely rare. It is common knowledge that HSV integrates itself into nerve cells, effectively “hiding” beyond the reach of the immune system. HIV similarly hides in immune CD4+ T-cells and remains latent for years. Herpes is […]

News for March 29, 2020

| March 29, 2020

We are putting the following interview with Dr. Shiva first, even though it is over an hour long, because it is the best interview we have seen on the corona virus epidemic. The first part of the video is about the invention of email, which is sort of interesting, so we recommend that you view […]

News for March 21, 2020

| March 21, 2020

“A pandemic will facilitate the creation of a world government.”   Jacques Attali, the jew who runs France We have been trying to locate the origin of the coronavirus as this would tell us if the virus is an accidental mutation or a plot to destabilize existing institutions and usher in the next phase of […]