The global economic war, Part 1

| December 16, 2008

Background The era of global cooperation between Communism and monopoly capitalism begin with Khrushchev¹s announcement in 1959 that the Soviet Union would no longer play the leading role in the Communist world takeover but would allow each Communist country to develop in the way it wanted. In the late 1970s, following the Great Leap Forward […]

U.S. policies originate in the UN

| December 1, 2008

Henry Lamb has a brief article on how the U.S. routinely adopts UN policies at WorldNetDaily. Many commentators have blamed the U.S. mortgage crisis on the Democrats, but the Democrats were merely following proposals that originated in the United Nations. Lamb offers details on UN documents that have served as the master template for reorganizing […]

A snapshot of the global damage

| November 19, 2008

A lot has happened in the global economy during the past few weeks. NWOU offers a snapshot of how quickly things have changed in various economies around the world. The following paragraphs are taken from a more comprehensive article by Doug Noland, “The Only Cure for a Bubble” at November 10 – Bloomberg (Emma […]

The cost of the Central American trade agreement

| July 28, 2008

Congressman Ron Paul describes the corruption involved in passing CAFTA:

A good reason to boycott Absolut vodka

| April 5, 2008

It’s not just the Marxists who want a New World Order. The global capitalists are in on the game and in most cases are taking the lead through the formation of “free” trade associations. Here is an ad for Absolut vodka showing the capitalist support for Communist aspirations–the reconquest of southwestern states and their reintegration […]

The myth of free trade

| February 6, 2008

NWOU recently came across a nice article by Chalmers Johnson reviewing the work of Ha-Joon Chang, an economist at Cambridge University who specializes in Third World studies. Ha-Joon Chang is a Korean economist and author of Kicking Away the Ladder: Development Strategy in Historical Perspective (2002). Chang drew his theoretical orientation from German economist Friedrich […]

First understand Wal-Mart

| January 7, 2008

A good place to begin your anti-globalist education is by understanding Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart is too big to criticize and too big for social scientists to study. By “big” we mean powerful and ruthless. How big? See The Wal-Mart You Don’t Know by Charles Fishman, A good way to enter New World Order studies is […]