More financial pain ahead

| June 11, 2009

Stock markets around the world have rallied off their March lows. The talk on financial TV is about having avoided a Depression, green shoots, a sustainable recovery. Other key phrases of the financial conversation include the steepening yield curve (good for bank profits), the stress test, the possible housing bottom, the commodity boom, and demand […]

Bilderbergers outline our future

| May 27, 2009

Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, and Jim Tucker have been on the front lines of decoding Bilderberg meetings for decades. See their reporting at PrisonPlanet for the latest plans for our global future from the Bilderberg meeting in Greece. Watson reports that the Bilderbergs want to strengthen the World Health Organization and the International Monetary […]

Bilderberg and other meetings

| May 21, 2009

At Infowars, Jim Tucker and Daniel Estulin report on the Bilderberg meeting in Greece. Reporting from these meetings is always thin, it takes a while before somebody leaks what went on inside the meetings. Don’t blame these reporters for Bilderberg secrecy.

The problem with China’s factories

| May 18, 2009

The pro-New World Order Economist finally recognizes the problems in China’s factories. Why China’s quality standards won’t be improving anytime soon. Why investing in China was a bad idea. Why the China trade may not revive to pre-crash levels. Why free trade agreements and outsourcing America’s manufacturing are bad policies. Why you should boycott products […]

Bilderberg meeting next week

| May 7, 2009

The Bilderberg meeting next week will be in Greece. Paul Joseph Watson has a preview of issues before the global planners. Watch out, this recent stock market rise could be followed by a sharp downturn in the market. Which do you prefer, a long, drawn-out global recession or a quick New World Order takeover? Unfortunately, […]

Celebrating May Day

| May 3, 2009

We recently lived through two major Communist holidays, Earth Day (Lenin’s birthday) and May Day (honoring the date of the Russian Revolution). The European Communists celebrated May Day with riots in the streets. See the report by Thomas Grove at Thompson/Reuters. Grove characterizes these riots as fueled by rising unemployment and anger over European governments’ […]

GM to build factory in China

| April 25, 2009

Bloomberg reports on GM’s plans for expansion in China even as it closes factories and model lines in the United States.