Unemployment rising

| October 12, 2009

On the Wall Street TV shows the talking heads agree that “the worst is over” as stock markets recover from the global financial crash. Their conventional wisdom is, now is a good time to get back into the market. Housing prices may be nearing a bottom, and manufacturing and trade are picking up again. The […]

Community organizing in Afghanistan, too

| September 28, 2009

The corrupt top-down community organizing model is also being used in Afghanistan. If you are wondering where your tax dollars go, well, Afghanistan has its own chain of corruption. In Afghanistan they are called Joint Regional Teams. They get the money and decide where it goes. A lot of it goes into their own pockets. […]

Obama sells out US to United Nations

| September 24, 2009

Yesterday President Obama gave a speech at the UN that outlines his vision for U.S. leadership in the world. We have been telling you for months now that Obama’s role is to surrender the United States to the control of the New World Order and its various institutions, the UN, the EU, the North American […]

Glenn Beck steps up

| August 31, 2009

We’re not too excited about any of the “conservative” talkers, but today we want to give a nod to Glenn Beck for stepping up. On his Fox TV show last week, Beck provided evidence of the Communist background of some of Obama’s czars, including Van Jones, Mark Lloyd, and Jeff Jones. In our previous posts […]

Europe prepares for Pittsburgh G20 summit

| August 29, 2009

Europe is preparing for the Pittsburgh G20 summit with a summit of its own on September 17 to present a united front to the United States on financial reform. Story at euobserver.

Restructuring global finance

| August 22, 2009

Joan Veon has an informative article on how the global bankers are restructuring the world financial system at NewsWithViews.

Carbon credits to be new world currency

| August 18, 2009

Baron Rothschild called for a world agency to control carbon credit trading back in January. The story is at the Telegraph. Without a World Environment Agency, the global scheme for carbon emissions could not be enforced. Of course, this is going to mean loss of sovereignty. But that’s no problem for the climate control profiteers. […]