The Era of Constant Crisis, Part 2

| February 25, 2010

Paul Ferrell: “The future of our economy and indeed our nation demands another political revolution. We must take back our democracy and capitalism from a government run by Wall Street and its “Happy Conspiracy” … their toxic self-serving power hold must be broken and, if not, a rising new conspiracy of China, India, oil-sovereignties and […]

The Era of Constant Crisis, Part 1

| February 23, 2010

As we wrote in How to save Greece, European leadership is split and paralyzed over whether to bail out Greece as the value of its sovereign debt declines. The revelation that Goldman Sachs helped Greece to hide the extent of its debt obligations by writing PPI’s opens another layer of scandal that promises to reveal […]

How to save Greece

| February 16, 2010

We have been hoping that the most indebted nations would declare their independence from the international bankers and socialist controllers who compete with each other to rob the treasuries of every nation. Unfortunately, it looks like Greece is about to knuckle under to EU control committees that will monitor Greece’s monthly spending while continuing the […]

Around the globe

| February 11, 2010

Today a quick snapshot of recent events around the world. Increasing drug violence in Mexico and the phony “guns come from U.S.” propaganda. Catastrophic fire warnings in Australia.

Debt repudiation

| February 3, 2010

If you manage to comprehend the debt obligations of the U.S. government, $107 trillion and counting, you will probably be overcome by one of two emotions, anger at the overspending and hopelessness at the extent of the problem. We encourage both emotions as they might serve to mobilize the people against the government. Nothing is […]

China turning?

| January 21, 2010

Very interesting article in the New York Times about the possibility of a Chinese stock market crash by a leading short-seller. “The Chinese,” he warned in an interview in November with, “are in danger of producing huge quantities of goods and products that they will be unable to sell.” James Chanos’ opinion is currently […]

Economic snapshot

| January 4, 2010

The world economy is still operating under the master paradigm we outlined in our October post, How to interpret trends. The global economists and speculators on TV talk happy talk about how the Depression scenario was avoided by massive infusion of central bank stimulus, and they are predicting that the world economy is on the […]