NATO: New World Army

| June 3, 2014

Stephen Lendman reports on NATO threatening Russia at the Ukraine border. Have you noticed that Barack Obama ingores the U.S. Constitution and does whatever he wants? Translate this attitude to NATO, which is under Obama’s control, and apply it to Full Spectrum Dominance, the military takeover of the whole world. How President Obama has authorized […]

Obama’s little helpers

| May 18, 2014

When President Obama takes over a country, he doesn’t just rely on the U.S. military. That would be too obvious. He also relies on his friends in the Muslim Brotherhood. That way, uprisings can appear to be spontaneously organized on the internet. Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrates Obama Administration A Red Carpet for Radicals at the White […]

How big banksters caused the financial crisis

| April 23, 2014

Hang the Bankers has an important article on the recent banking crisis. It explains in a few words how the top banks in the United States plotted to sell derivatives to foreign banks by pushing for deregulation of banks around the world. Now that so many global organizations are in place working for global integration, […]

Reports from Europe

| March 19, 2014

We find that our best source of information from Europe, apart from the headline news, is Euro-Med. The old Euro-Med has been replaced by Let’s catch up. Euro-Med reports that the International Monetary Fund is being groomed to become the world’s central bank.   “The IMF is being openly groomed to serve as a global […]

Putin holds all the cards in Ukraine

| March 8, 2014

We have followed Jim Willie’s reporting on global economics for several years. His latest piece at FutureFastForward predicts the demise of the U.S. dollar as the Ukraine takeover plays out. China and Iran will support Russia during this crisis as NATO falls apart and the Nordic nations follow Germany in aligning with Russia. Click on […]

U.S. debt is worse than Greece

| January 3, 2014

Thinking about the collapse of the dollar: 5 places not to be when the dollar collapses: Survival map: Ron Paul forecasts system failure, nullification of federal laws: Robert Wiedemer talks about financial survival: Alex Jones offers evidence the collapse is planned:

Not fooled by randomness

| August 29, 2013

Nassim Taleb wrote a book that caught our attention, Fooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in the Markets and in Life. We are interested in not being fooled, and we are interested in the larger project of understanding human nature, if there is such a thing. We are particularly interested in understanding psychological […]