News for November 18, 2018

| November 18, 2018

Who really lost the election? Philip Giraldi explains who won the election. Strategic Culture says “the war party” won the election, without naming the neocon Jew and Israel’s control over U.S. foreign policy. By the way, the world order is already multipolar. If you are interested in following how the Democrats steal elections, The Revolutionary […]

News for November 10, 2018

| November 10, 2018

We don’t have anything to say about the elections that you can’t find elsewhere, but we shall note that the firing of Attorney General Sessions kicks off a new stage in the civil war. Meaning, more violence. Jim Holt at Gateway Pundit reports on the Democrats’ election fraud. Let the indictments begin: Linda Sanchez of […]

News for October 13, 2018

| October 13, 2018

Aim4Truth has posted an analysis of the deep state, showing control and communication lines. This is mind-boggling. Big Tech plus Big Government equals a juggernaut too powerful to oppose. Aren’t you proud they used your tax dollars for this? Nikki Haley resigned her post as UN ambassador because she was guilty of taking illegal gifts. […]

News for September 30, 2018

| September 30, 2018

Israel declares that it is above the law. Israel claims the right to “legislate anywhere” and ignore international law. Israel has always acted this way, now it is out in the open. An internet command center in Israel is directing Jews around the world to control the narrative on social media websites. Israel monitors all […]

News for June 23, 2018

| June 23, 2018

Mexico’s election season has featured a crime wave with at least 18 candidates for office murdered. Communist presidential candidate Andres Obrador has promised amnesty to drug gangsters and has called for mass migration to the United States. If Obrador is elected president, and he is currently leading in the polls, Mexico will go the way of […]

News for September 12, 2017

| September 12, 2017

Boycott Google. Google is anti-free speech. Google is the Master Spy of the Intelligence Community. “In reality, Google is a smokescreen behind which lurks the US military-industrial complex.” A historical look at the military-industrial complex. Whitney Webb believes the war in Syria was always Israel’s idea, and we can’t disagree. Whitney fails to mention Israel’s […]

News for May 26, 2017

| May 26, 2017

China’s Silk Road summit was called a success, though doubters persist. More here. India gets cold feet. We don’t have an update from this 2008 report, but rail traffic between Europe and China promises to outweigh ship traffic. The Silk Road initiatives will reorganize the global economy. Alec Macfarlane takes a look at China’s debt problem, which […]