News for April 2, 2022

| April 2, 2022

Russia charges that the Ukraine government was considering using bioweapons against civilians in the Donbass and in Russia. Also here. Russia says Ukraine biolabs were exporting materials to other countries. Who else was in on it. Medvedev says Russia will only sell agricultural products to friendly nations, in rubles. Russian military restores flow of water […]

News for March 12, 2022

| March 12, 2022

Russia: “We have found your biological weapons.” And here. Russians capture documents at Ukraine bioweapons labs showing intention of spreading deadly pathogens. Russia accuses Ukraine government of destroying weaponized pathogens in U.S.-funded biolabs. World Health Organization directed Ukraine to destroy pathogens in biolabs? Klaus Schwab, Hunter Biden, Anthony Fauci linked to Ukraine bioweapons labs. How […]

News for February 26, 2022

| February 25, 2022

Russia offers Ukraine terms of surrender: Become a neutral country and forbid deployment of foreign weapons inside Ukraine. NATO refuses to provide security guarantees to Ukraine, evacuates staff from Ukraine. Zelensky uses phone call with Macron to reach out to Putin for negotiations. Background on the NATO/Ukraine relationship. Germany halts Nordstream 2 pipeline certification. The […]

News for January 8, 2022

| January 7, 2022

Khazakhstan insurrection likely organized by the West to distract Russia from Ukraine. Russia sends troops to quell disturbances. ? ? U.S. military sends F16s to Poland. U.S. finds little support in Asia. Half of Republicans report they have lost faith in democracy. It’s not just us. Department of Justice admits planting agents at Jan. 6 […]

News for December 18, 2021

| December 17, 2021

Russia vetoes UN climate change resolution that would insert Green propaganda into international relations. Putin saves us again. Putin, Xi cement alliance as World War III starts. India shifts toward Russia. Russia and China are building a new payments platform to isolate them from the U.S. dollar. Good move. EU summit extends sanctions against Russia […]

News for October 2, 2021

| October 1, 2021

Communist China bribed Australian politicians to lock down Australia, using coronavirus as an excuse. This is a Communist takeover. Australian government officials declare that unvaccinated persons will lose their freedoms in October. Globalist police and military have been inserted with the Australian police. Australian mother reports: ? Ugly jew Gladys Berejiklian resigns over corruption charges. […]

News for July 31, 2021

| July 31, 2021

France, Italy require vaccine passport for social activities. Many other governments will sign on to the vaccine passport to pressure the unvaccinated. Study in Massachusetts shows 74 percent of covid infections occurred in fully vaccinated people. This is probably the study that caused the CDC to reimpose its mask mandate. Pelosi orders capitol police to […]