Illuminati notes, Part 2

| August 28, 2023

“As long as there remains among the Gentiles any moral conception of the social order, and until all faith, patriotism, and dignity are uprooted, our reign over the world shall not come… And the Gentiles, in their stupidity, have proved easier dupes than we expected them to be. One would expect more intelligence and more […]

Illuminati notes, Part 1

| August 19, 2023

These notes are from our reading about the Illuminati after publication of The Hidden Masters. They supplement our posts The Jews Around Weishaupt, The Shabbatean Frankist Illuminati, The Wilhelmsbad Convention of 1782, and Trail of the Serpent.   When the Illuminati was formed on Walpurgisnacht (eve of May 1st), 1776, five men gathered in a […]

News for July 29, 2023

| July 28, 2023

Peace agreement has been negotiated between U.S. and Russia to halt Ukraine war. Russia gets territory and security assurances. Zelensky and his cabal have to go. NATO to position troops nearby to discourage further Russian advances. Not final yet. Patriots International Alliance is pushing for a ceasefire summit in Ukraine. Their mission statement. One Ukrainian […]

News for July 22, 2023

| July 21, 2023

Globalists plan financial shock and climate controls to launch Great Reset. The conspiracy to create a new global financial order meets in Paris. Ukraine is recruiting soldiers in South America. Britain prepares for hemorrhagic fever lockdown. Seymour Hersh on Biden’s current political machinations. Biden suspends satellite monitoring of coca crops in Colombia. A jew says […]

News for May 27, 2023

| May 27, 2023

  Former Executive Director of the UN admits the world is controlled by pedophiles. That’s what we said. Former Executive Director of the United Nations admits that the world is totally controlled by Global Elite PEDOPHILES from the @WEF — Stew Peters (@realstewpeters) May 23, 2023 Marjorie Taylor Greene charges Treasury Department with hiding […]

News for March 25, 2023

| March 25, 2023

The key event of the week was the meeting between Xi Jinping and Putin in Moscow. China and Russia have been cooperating against America for a long time, but this meeting solidified the alliance on the world stage. The trendline of this cooperation will result in American decline and China’s rise to supreme power. The […]

News for March 4, 2023

| March 4, 2023

U.S. nuclear war command moves to Iceland. Biden orders Air Force planes carrying nuclear materials to remove official markings. Ukraine launches drone attacks inside Russia. The war widens. But Ukraine withdraws from Bakhmut. Ukraine forbids men to leave the country. Military conscription for all who are left. Ukraine attack on Crimea is planned for spring. […]