Celebrating May Day

| May 3, 2009

We recently lived through two major Communist holidays, Earth Day (Lenin’s birthday) and May Day (honoring the date of the Russian Revolution). The European Communists celebrated May Day with riots in the streets. See the report by Thomas Grove at Thompson/Reuters. Grove characterizes these riots as fueled by rising unemployment and anger over European governments’ […]

Is Undoing the same as progress?

| May 1, 2009

If technological progress culminates in the project of the global grid control system, and if free trade agreements subvert national constitutions and laws in favor of the three-region global control model, should we interpret every setback or Undoing of this global control system as genuine progress? If the global financial system spreads unpayable debt obligations […]

Safe shopping

| April 24, 2009

To guard your life (and the life of your pet), you should boycott products made in Communist China. You can do this by referring to the barcode label on the product. The first three digits are the country of origin code. China’s codes are 690 through 695. Barcodes 00 through 13 indicate the product was […]

What we can learn from feminism and multiculturalism

| April 22, 2009

NWOU doesn’t keep up with feminism, but today we are going to talk about it a little bit because we need to discuss the effects of feminism and multiculturalism for beginners before we can move to a discussion of alternative futures. People who are caught up in New World Order propaganda usually adopt some version […]

World Thought Police

| March 19, 2009

Useless Dissident has published an interview with former Soviet journalist Yuri Bezmenov, who defected to the West in 1970. The interview, by G. Edward Griffin (The Creature from Jekyll Island), is in three parts. Part One deals mainly with Bezmenov’s biography. The good stuff is in Part Three, where Bezmenov explains how Soviet disinformation and […]

China’s police state

| March 13, 2009

Communist China has become the largest and most efficient police state in the world. All of the technological innovations developed in the West are being exported to China by multinationals–Honeywell, GE, IBM, and other tech giants–for population control. China calls its electronic surveillance system the “Golden Shield.” It is the model for the global police […]

Coming soon: globalist TV network

| March 1, 2009

At Davos the World Economic Forum entertained a proposal to create a global TV network promoting world citizenship as one’s primary identity. This proposal comes from Global Agenda Councils under the World Economic Forum. It is explicitly devoted to global governance, which is code for the replacement of government by global tyranny. Promoters included the […]