China’s plan to take over U.S.

| November 4, 2009

NewsMax is carrying Lev Navrozov’s report on a speech by former Chinese defense minister Chi Haotien, architect of the Tienanmen massacre of Chinese dissidents. Chi offers a rationale for China’s domination of the world, the racial superiority of the Han Chinese. Chi believes that China is entitled to occupation and control over the United States […]

The cap and trade takeover

| September 20, 2009

As you know by now, global average temperatures are cooling, not warming. The warmists have changed their language, abandoning global warming and adopting climate change as justification for their schemes. Newsbusters reports on the cooling trend and the plan to sue Al Gore and other alarmists.

Buzzing in the liberal wasteland

| September 19, 2009

We keep saying we’re not interested in liberal opinion, but twice this month we’ve posted on liberal opinion. What gives? Liberals are peeling away from Obama. This is of real-world political interest in the mini-era we have characterized as “buyer’s remorse for supporting Obama.” More importantly, we can use the agony of the liberals as […]

America is not normal

| September 4, 2009

Feminists love matriarchy like crack addicts love crack cocaine. What’s the point of being a feminist if you don’t have control over men? Equal rights? Please, that’s not what feminism is about. It’s about having power over men and destroying the family. Matriarchy is the historical model feminists are trying to establish globally under the […]

Can Democrats wake up?

| August 25, 2009

Left-wing opinion is a waste of our time, but today we’ll call attention to Frank Rich’s column in the New York Times, “Is Obama Punking Us?”, because liberal opinion may be in the process of deserting Obama. This doesn’t really matter that much, but we’re in a lighthearted mood, so today we’re taking a break […]

How the Left controls violence in the streets

| August 23, 2009

Let’s go back to April, when the anti-G20 movement in Europe took to the streets in a series of strikes and demonstrations to register their disapproval of job outsourcing, banker bailouts, higher unemployment rates, and immigrant workers taking jobs. No European leader was allowed to travel freely.

The politicization of race: white ignorance

| August 11, 2009

“The white boys got taken fair and square.” Willie Brown In Northern California we associate Willie Brown with ballot boxes discovered floating in San Francisco Bay after elections, dead people voting, and voting early and often. The corruption of the Democrats is just static background in California politics. After while, you take it for granted. […]