Paradise Lost

| August 9, 2010

The high Tibetan plateau is one of the most beautiful places in the world. It is a vast and rugged landscape. You can’t farm at these high altitudes, the entire economy is based on yak-herding. Tibetan Buddhism has overlooked its prohibition against eating meat because yak-herding is the only sustainable economy on the plateau, and […]

After the final takeover

| July 15, 2010

Neo-marxist liberals are the waste product of the mass education system, which recycles the waste product of Neo-marxist theories in slogans and sound-bites. The masses are the by-product of the successful subversion of all systems by socialism. The masses are colonized and clueless about the history of the takeover.

Next: The final takeover

| July 8, 2010

We have been trying to tell you, as best we can, that the history you were taught in school is false and misleading. All of your ideas about democracy, civil rights, elections, freedom, happiness, and the will of the people mean nothing, zippo, nada. That isn’t how it works. If you drifted over to the […]

The racial integration con job

| April 28, 2010

“Feminism, Socialism, and Communism are one in the same, and Socialist/Communist government is the goal of feminism.” Catherine MacKinnon, Toward a Feminist Theory of the State Feminism is about more than special rights for women, easy divorce, hiring preferences, and eliminating the authority of the father. It’s also about putting state power over the family, […]

Debating a white future

| April 21, 2010

The following quotes are from Takuan Seiyo, From Meccania to Atlantis: “Islam’s shock troops in the West are the white ruling elites. The main enemy force is on the left flank. There are probably 30 million Muslims in Western Europe and perhaps 6 million in North America. But there are maybe 300 million leftists in […]

Catching up

| April 17, 2010

We’d like to give you a graduation certificate from New World Order University. To qualify, you must have the ancient history, the set-up of the criminal power pyramid, and the ability to gather news and interpret it correctly. You also need to have discarded all the false liberal ideas and freed your inner outlaw, but […]

News from the edge

| March 28, 2010

We have been focusing on longer pieces lately, especially on the feminist takeover of world population control. We hope you are finding your own reliable news sources on the net. We aren’t your news source, but here are a few news stories we found around the cutting edge of the crisis the New World Order […]