Which takeover plan do you support?

| January 25, 2011

The Left is in the grip of the “Rothschilds control everything” version of the New World Order. This line of analysis leads to anti-Zionism and rabid anti-Semitism, purposeful ignorance of various gangster mafias that jockey for power, a reliance on “dialectic,” “problem/solution” and “order out of chaos” strategies as decisive, and a general overdeterminism of […]

Predictions for 2011

| January 3, 2011

You know we don’t make predictions at NWOU. We name the important trendlines and watch them play out. Events constantly surprise us, we don’t have any foreknowledge. We were surprised by Obama’s selection to be president, the formation of the tea party, the recent tax-cut extension compromise, lots of stuff. So why are doing one […]

A look at China

| December 26, 2010

We’re trying to get a look inside China and calculate China’s impact on the murky world of international relations. Soros elevates China as leader of New World Order. Kissinger essentially said the same thing. We assume all of the New World Order leaders are on board with China’s dominance over the world.

The UN plan for total takeover

| December 22, 2010

Agenda 21: end of private property, agriculture, education, golf courses and resorts, resource development, the family, consumerism, privacy, individual rights. Promoting global citizenship, government control of children, warehousing the population in stacked housing zones. Slogans: “sustainable development,” “environmentalism,” “saving the planet,” “no scars on earth.” They forgot to mention forced population reduction and the end […]

Commies gear up for international revolution

| December 10, 2010

In spite of the recent election, Communists in the Democratic Party barely lost a seat. The Progressive caucus is the Communist caucus. Analysis here. Today’s post is dedicated to New Zeal, the New Zealand Commie-watcher. Catch up with all the Obama files, links in right column.

How Democrats will continue to screw us

| November 16, 2010

Either you control turf or they do. Globalization Obama is committed to the global economy and the New World Order. He isn’t going to do anything to fix the underlying problems in the U.S. economy, he will instead take photo-ops about creating jobs. Globalization is going to proceed, and money will flow out of the […]

The delusion of good government

| October 1, 2010

Eloquent speech by Jeffrey Tucker of the Mises Institute on why socialism is evil.