Manly men resisting the takeover

| February 6, 2014

While we have been preoccupied with researches into the mysteries of ancient history, others have forged a new focus on promoting resistance. We have focused on the New Right parties in Europe and the Traditionalism expressed in blogs such as Counter-Currents as the mainstream of dissent. Now an alternative version of resistance has emerged in […]

U.S. debt is worse than Greece

| January 3, 2014

Thinking about the collapse of the dollar: 5 places not to be when the dollar collapses: Survival map: Ron Paul forecasts system failure, nullification of federal laws: Robert Wiedemer talks about financial survival: Alex Jones offers evidence the collapse is planned:

The Social Democracy mess

| November 12, 2011

A summary of the history of Social Democracy and Communism we found at The Counter-Feminist. The speaker neglected to note the support for Soviet Communism among the British Fabians, which included outright lying about the prison camps and adoption of the Potemkin village myth. Also, this presentation is a bit short on the common goals of Social […]

The Long March Toward Separation

| October 13, 2011

From Moonbattery. Hunter Wallace reviews The Long March Toward Separation at Occidental Dissent. This is a mature think-piece on the issues facing white separatists. The central point that caught our attention is whether white separation can be managed as a movement, will be a by-product of a greater movement splitting conservatives away from liberals, or […]

Watching socialists lie

| September 2, 2011

But for some reason people keep voting for them. Now, don’t get the idea that we’re trying to suggest that the Conservatives are any better. To be better, they would have to pursue different policies, and not be corrupt. But the socialists are devoted to lying, repeatedly, cynically, as a method of governing. If you […]

The assassination strategy

| March 8, 2011

In 1914 the anarchist Gavrilo Princeps assassinated Archduke Ferdinand of Austria, thereby precipitating World War I. The newspapers called Princeps an anarchist, and that label has stuck to this day. Actually Princeps was a member of the Black Hand, an Iluminati terrorist group. By Illuminati we mean Communist. Did the Illuminati cause World War I? […]

The matrix analogy

| February 7, 2011

This is a sobering video. We wanted to expose you to something with a harsh, sober tone so that you can switch your worldview easily. We know you have entirely eliminated all liberal concepts from your thinking, but some of you are holding on to the “founding fathers as noble thinkers” mythology. The single smart […]