How they crushed England

| April 3, 2015

Hat tip: Philosopher’s Stone, your best source of news about the UK. Of interest: Christopher Story, The European Union Collective, Enemy of Its Member States: A Study in Russian and German Strategy to Complete Lenin’s World Revolution. “The aim of socialism is not only to abolish the present division of mankind into small states, and […]

Venona: Spies Against America

| February 18, 2015

Review of John Earl Haynes and Harvey Klehr, Venona: Decoding Soviet Espionage in America, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1999. The Venona Project began in 1943 under the U.S. Army’s Signal Intelligence Service. The project involved deciphering cables sent from Soviet diplomats in the United States to Moscow. However, the Soviet code was not broken until […]

NWO progress report November 2014

| December 6, 2014

Nigel Farage’s UK Independence Party wins two by-elections by large margins, demoralizing England’s Conservative government and forcing Prime Minister Cameron to change immigration policy. The day after Cameron announced proposed payment cuts to immigrants, the EU took him to court in Brussels to force him to pay more. Nobody is happy that Angela Merkel is […]

A guide to the UN

| September 1, 2014

Brent Parrish at The Right Planet has put together a little quiz on the history of the United Nations. Check it out.

Obama explains his dictatorship

| July 6, 2014

Obama’s little helpers

| May 18, 2014

When President Obama takes over a country, he doesn’t just rely on the U.S. military. That would be too obvious. He also relies on his friends in the Muslim Brotherhood. That way, uprisings can appear to be spontaneously organized on the internet. Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrates Obama Administration A Red Carpet for Radicals at the White […]

Reports from Europe

| March 19, 2014

We find that our best source of information from Europe, apart from the headline news, is Euro-Med. The old Euro-Med has been replaced by Let’s catch up. Euro-Med reports that the International Monetary Fund is being groomed to become the world’s central bank.   “The IMF is being openly groomed to serve as a global […]