News for June 7, 2020

| June 7, 2020

The epidemic brought involuntary socialism to the United States. Their plan is to give you more of it. How contact tracing is going to work, and why you want to avoid getting involved in it: President Trump calls up military to District of Columbia to save White House from attack. President Trump considers invoking the […]

News for May 3, 2020

| May 3, 2020

The war with China is escalating as the U.S. military moves more resources to the region, including nuclear weapons: Criminal Dr. Fauci gave 2 grants to Wuhan lab for virus research, not one. A look at the University of Texas’ cooperation with the Wuhan lab. Wuhan was the fentanyl capital of the world. How the […]

News for March 21, 2020

| March 21, 2020

“A pandemic will facilitate the creation of a world government.”   Jacques Attali, the jew who runs France We have been trying to locate the origin of the coronavirus as this would tell us if the virus is an accidental mutation or a plot to destabilize existing institutions and usher in the next phase of […]

News for February 22, 2020

| February 22, 2020

Good news first: The United Kingdom will bar entrance to non-English speaking migrants and unskilled overseas workers. Congratulations. But the UK is still cucked. SOTN update on what is known about the coronavirus, February 19. Why it’s difficult for the Jew-controlled Marxist media to celebrate the liberation of Syria. Meanwhile, the Israeli Mafia threatens more “offensive actions” […]

News for February 9, 2020

| February 8, 2020

Get your coronavirus news updates at Natural News. A reliable source. Best background article on the coronavirus. It is a weaponized virus. Ooops, Dr. Plummer found dead in Africa. Why the United Nations loves the coronavirus epidemic. Why Bill Gates is always a legitimate suspect whenever virus epidemics and vaccines threaten to reduce population: Secretary of […]

News for January 26, 2020

| January 25, 2020

Alex Jones goes to Richmond in a battle tank. See Jan. 20 coverage of the protest at this page. The traps the Communists set for the second amendment protesters. A few remarks about Richmond from Identity Dixie. Andrew Anglin says the protesters in Virginia would not be able to pull off any sort of revolution. […]

News for January 19, 2020

| January 18, 2020

AfD’s Martin Hess addresses Germany’s parliament and charges the socialists with importing immigrant war machines terrorizing the German people: Virginia governor declares state of emergency, capitol weapons ban. FBI arrests white nationalists before Virginia gun rally. More here. Virginia state senator says gun owners have mental issues. A warning that the January 20 protest in […]