News for January 10, 2021

| January 9, 2021

Yes, the Democrats cheated. They always cheat. Maybe somebody should have done something about it before the election. Pence issues memo explaining his role in the vote certification. The Democrats could not afford a 10-day investigation of election fraud as it would have revealed election fraud. Sending the issue of split electoral slates to the […]

News for January 3, 2021

| January 2, 2021

“What are you faggots going to do when election comes and the polls are right and Trump loses? Off yourselves? Riot? Leave the country? Start the civil war you’ve been whining about since 2008? Oh, that’s right. You won’t do shit. You never, ever do. You will cry about the white race and say the […]

News for December 27, 2020

| December 27, 2020

Patrick Byrne was present at the White House meeting last weekend, he explains what went on: Georgia senate committee recommends decertifying electors. Arizona may also decertify. But that’s not enough to make the difference. Trump will not use martial law to investigate election fraud. U.S. Army rejects martial law option. How Trump could still win. […]

News for December 20, 2020

| December 19, 2020

The electoral college met on Monday. We believe 7 states sent two slates of electors, one Democrat and one Republican. This means the electoral college vote is not decisive. The decisive vote will occur January 6 when congress meets to count and ratify the votes. Republicans will challenge the Democratic electors from the 7 states, […]

News for December 13, 2020

| December 12, 2020

Karl Marx wrote, “The French Revolution gave rise to ideas which led beyond the ideas of the entire old world order. The revolutionary movement which began in 1789 in the Cercle Social, which in the middle of its course had as its chief representatives Leclerc and Roux, and which finally with Babeuf’s conspiracy was temporarily […]

News for December 7, 2020

| December 6, 2020

J.E. Dyer summarizes the current electoral situation so far. Jeffrey Prather, former intelligence agent, also has a good report on the current state of affairs with regard to the election: The Trump campaign is not doing well in the courts, but Rudy Giuliani says the courts don’t matter, the state legislatures should decide who the […]

News for November 29, 2020

| November 28, 2020

This David Icke interview reveals that the vaccine agenda is merely the first step to chipping all species and replacing all natural life forms: Catch up with election lawsuits and court rulings at Epoch Times. Governor and secretary of state in Georgia took money from China to steal the election. Sidney Powell was never part […]