Gay Hollyweird

| July 7, 2021

Subliminal Synchro Sphere has done some excellent research into the gay subliminal programming of Hollywood films. Hollywood: The Cinema of Sodomy “Hollywood is the sodomite capital of the world, all it does is employ sodomites (plus other LGBT elements) and make output that is sodomite affirming. THAT IS ALL THEY DO. This is all genres […]

News for July 3, 2021

| July 2, 2021

Putin reacts cooly to British warship provocation in the Black Sea. Russia launches killer submarine carrying nuclear drones. Head of Russian intelligence says U.S. is turning into a “totalitarian regime reminiscent of the Soviet Union.” Yeah, that’s what we said. Russia requires Big Tech social media to open offices inside Russia. It’s a first step […]

News for June 5, 2021

| June 5, 2021

Russia claims NATO is smuggling arms to Ukraine under cover of the Black Sea drills. It looks like Biden wants war with Russia. Be careful. Russia will send military units to European borders in response to Black Sea drills. Russia cuts dollar holdings by $120 billion ahead of Biden summit. We can’t imagine why Putin […]

News for August 25, 2020

| August 24, 2020

Why Israel bombed Beirut. At around 13:40 of this video, Netanyahu explains why he wants to control Beirut: Supreme Court rules that George Soros organizations are foreign, not domestic, and have no first amendment protection. Antifa was born in Germany, trained in Syria, and imported to the United States by Barack Obama. And, there is […]

News for July 5, 2020

| July 4, 2020

Report from the front lines of the race war: Hispanic revolutionary posts “kill all white people” video. Black Lives Matter in France, too:   The McCloskeys now represent vigilante America. The cops aren’t coming to help you resist terror attacks by the Black Lives Matter Communists. The irony is, McCloskey was a civil rights lawyer […]

News for March 1, 2020

| March 1, 2020

Jews declare war against white people in America: Mike Adams on the coronavirus: Chinese scientists say coronavirus did not begin in a meat market. Top Chinese spokesman says virus may have originated outside China. The Chinese think they were attacked. Leaked documents reveal infection rate in China is 50 times higher than reported. SOTN suggests that […]

News for January 4, 2020

| January 4, 2020

The worst trend of 2019 was the censorship and banning of websites (and tweets) for hate speech. The Supreme Court has ruled that hate speech is legal, but Big Tech is very Left and committed to New World Order takeover. Germany has a new hate-speech bill that will make sure internet posters get prosecuted: Oregon […]