News for August 6, 2022

| August 5, 2022

China cuts diplomatic ties with United States. Hope that Pelosi trip was worth it. China’s computer chip breakthrough. Russia says U.S. is directly involved in Ukraine. This means they feel free to launch a military surprise. Putin announces independence from Rothschild-controlled U.S. dollar. German minister announces green energy transition has failed. Europe has lost the […]

News for July 2, 2022

| July 3, 2022

  Russia sends nuclear weapons to Belarus. NATO increases high-readiness forces to 300,000. Germany seizes Russian liquid natural gas tankers. An act of war. German utility company Uniper sees stock crash in response to natural gas shipments drying up. Europe brought on its own energy problems due to its sanctions on Russia. Now Germany is […]

News for June 25, 2022

| June 24, 2022

Ukraine attacks Russian oil drilling rigs. Ukraine would be smart to keep the war inside Ukraine. Ukraine would be smarter to surrender to Russia and divide up the country. Macron loses parliamentary majority in French election. Won’t help much. The frenchies are still attending elections. Democracy is a farce. You have been invaded. Is it […]

News for June 18, 2022

| June 18, 2022

  The jewish Federal Reserve Bank is playing its oldest trick. First it lowers interest rates, and money flows into the stock market. Then it raises interest rates, and the market comes down. Play accordingly. 18 signs the economic collapse has begun. Padraig Martin offers us ten plausible civil war scenarios. We are already in […]

News for April 2, 2022

| April 2, 2022

Russia charges that the Ukraine government was considering using bioweapons against civilians in the Donbass and in Russia. Also here. Russia says Ukraine biolabs were exporting materials to other countries. Who else was in on it. Medvedev says Russia will only sell agricultural products to friendly nations, in rubles. Russian military restores flow of water […]

News for December 18, 2021

| December 17, 2021

Russia vetoes UN climate change resolution that would insert Green propaganda into international relations. Putin saves us again. Putin, Xi cement alliance as World War III starts. India shifts toward Russia. Russia and China are building a new payments platform to isolate them from the U.S. dollar. Good move. EU summit extends sanctions against Russia […]

News for November 20, 2021

| November 20, 2021

Poland’s border with Belarus is the latest immigration hotspot as violent incidents increase. Putin says Russia has nothing to do with the refugee crisis, blames UK. Russia, UK send troops.  Latvia secures its border. Wacky jew Boris Johnson talks war with Russia. Belarus threatens to cut off natural gas flow then shuts down oil pipeline […]