Progress means total takeover

| May 11, 2009

The global economic crash dried up some trade pipelines and set back plans for global integration, but nations proceed to develop and deploy new technologies for tracking and monitoring their subjects. You may interpret technological progress in terms of yourself as a consumer, but technological progress is building the machinery for total takeover.

Missouri retracts “militia” threat report

| March 27, 2009

McClatchy News reports from Missouri that Missouri’s report to the highway patrol warning of militia and third-party threats of violence has been retracted. MIssouri Governor Kinder has suggested putting the director of Missouri’s public safety on administrative leave and investigating how the report was written. Missouri’s director of public safety has apologized to the offended […]

Democrats marginalize the opposition as “militias”

| March 24, 2009 has a brief article on the Missouri Law Enforcement Report, which warns Missouri law enforcement about the dangers of organized conservative opposition to Obama’s New Order. NWOU wondered why President Obama would bother to publicly engage Rush Limbaugh right after taking office. We interpret Obama’s permanent campaign in light of Clinton’s precedent.

FEMA camps

| November 21, 2008

Q: Regarding your article on martial law, what do you think about the FEMA concentration camps? A: The U.S. government has long been prepared to declare martial law and put people in camps in the event of a national emergency. William Pabst was following this story in the 1970s. For his 1979 article on the […]

Rumors of threat of martial law

| November 8, 2008

The written transcript of Rep. Sherman’s video is here: “Martial law” is a phrase used within Congress to refer to a special suspension of the normal rules. But Rep. Sherman’s reference to martial law may mean the real martial law. For a discussion of the secret meeting of March 13, 2008 in which the […]