New World Order news, February 15, 2017

| February 15, 2017

CNN gets kicked out of Venezuela for making up fake news: George Soros is busy overthrowing the government of Romania, and the United States. The U.S. military is sending arms to Romania. To support the Soros color revolution, we presume. John McAfee debunks the “Russia hacked our election” propaganda line of the Democrats. Which has already […]

News for February 7, 2017

| February 6, 2017

How Europe will hold every country hostage that wants to leave the euro. Or, why you should never go in debt to a central bank. Putin crushes dipwad English journalist: X22 Report says economic indicators indicate recession ahead. Why Iran will dump the dollar: How will Trump deal with the Muslim Brotherhood? Stewart Dougherty has […]

Holiday news

| December 28, 2016

“In the 16 years of the Obama and Bush administrations, the suicide rate quadrupled in all age groups, for reasons of drug addiction, alcoholism, depression, especially white women—white women in rural areas.” That might help to explain why Trump won. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Donald Trump and the New International Paradigm. Helga Zepp-LaRouche explains how Donald Trump could […]

News for December 18, 2016

| December 19, 2016

Mark Dice reports on a feminist Bohemian Grove organization. Feminist satanists need their own special space? A satanic priest discusses his experiences at Bohemian Grove. Head of PVV Freedom Party Geert Wilders was found guilty of inciting racial discrimination, “hate speech.” The penalty, 5,000 euros, was waived. Gatestone has two commentaries, The Dutch Death Spiral […]

News update, November 22, 2016

| November 22, 2016

Defcon says the threat of nuclear war has now been reduced to its lowest state due to the election of Donald Trump and an immanent rapproachment with Russia. However, the U.S. military has made its largest shipment of arms and ammunition to Europe in 20 years, and Russia is deploying its new Demon nuclear missile […]

News for November 13, 2016

| November 14, 2016

Election map: Saudi Arabia halts oil shipments to Egypt; Egypt realigns with Iran, reaches out to Trump. U.S. launches cyber-attack on Russia. We couldn’t find a Russian response to this story, but this seems to be the aggression Vice-President Biden promised against Russia two weeks ago. Democrat Vice-President candidate Tim Kaine hails coming end to white […]

News and opinion, October 16, 2016

| October 16, 2016

Putin asks Obama to remove troops and defense infrastructure from Eastern Europe. Russia killed 30 top U.S. officers in Aleppo when its planes bombed ISIS headquarters. Russia blocks UN no-fly-zone proposal. Putin cancels trip to France. Russia threatens to destroy U.S. forces in Syria. Russian TV warns of war with America as Obama sends troops to Norway. […]