News for May 26, 2017

| May 26, 2017

China’s Silk Road summit was called a success, though doubters persist. More here. India gets cold feet. We don’t have an update from this 2008 report, but rail traffic between Europe and China promises to outweigh ship traffic. The Silk Road initiatives will reorganize the global economy. Alec Macfarlane takes a look at China’s debt problem, which […]

The French election

| May 14, 2017

The election in France is over, and we know Macron won. With the defeat of LePen in France and Geert Wilders in Holland, nationalism in Europe has been set back. We were wondering, what will Macron mean for France? And, more importantly, can we get a snapshot of how France is divided to be able […]

News for April 21, 2017

| April 21, 2017

UN is planning massive refugee invasion of the United States under Agenda 2030. Jewish, Catholic, and Lutheran organizations benefit financially from refugee resettlement. Paul Gottfried explains the radicalization of the Jews and their program of white genocide: Hat tip Renegade Tribune. The U.S. media have never told the truth about U.S. foreign policy regarding Syria. Obama’s […]

News for April 12, 2017

| April 12, 2017

Worst news first: Trump refuses to name the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization. There won’t be any victory over Islamic terrorism as long as the Muslim Brotherhood is allowed to operate. The Muslim Brotherhood is behind Hawaii’s court challenge to Trump’s travel ban. The Muslim Brotherhood is running Sweden. Trump is keeping Obama’s programs that grant amnesty […]

Finishing Lenin’s world revolution

| March 19, 2017

Christopher Story, The European Union Collective, Enemy of Its Member States: A Study in Russian and German Strategy to Complete Lenin’s World Revolution. “The aim of socialism is not only to abolish the present division of mankind into small states, and all national isolation, not only to bring the nations closer to each other, but […]

New World Order news, March 17, 2017

| March 18, 2017

We were dismayed to learn that U.S. forces in Syria have been blocking Russian forces. Assad has denounced the recent deployment of U.S. troops in Syria as unwelcome. Trump is not going to meet with Assad. Are U.S. troops there to defeat ISIL and turn over territory to Syria, or are they there to control […]

New World Order news, March 11, 2017

| March 11, 2017

Syria retakes Palmyra, with U.S. assistance. Trump authorized U.S. airstrikes, though not in cooperation with Russia. On February 17 an international security conference was held in Munich. Vice-President Pence and Secretary of Defense Mattis  represented the United States. Here are a few highlights: Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov called for an end to the New World […]