News for October 27, 2019

| October 26, 2019

Why the Department of Justice Durham administrative review is now a criminal investigation. Because they discovered the CIA cooked up the Russia collusion hoax. How former Ukrainian President Poroshenko laundered money to Obama’s agents. Hunter Biden never worked in Ukraine. Hunter Biden helped Communist China acquire “strategically significant assets.” The deep state targeted Michael Flynn […]

News for October 6, 2019

| October 5, 2019

Why the Republicans believe Pelosi’s impeachment proceedings are a hoax. No House vote to set up an impeachment inquiry. But wait…there are no laws about how to set up an impeachment inquiry, so Pelosi can claim that this inquiry is legitimate without a vote. Why legality matters: Democrats send subpoenas to White House officials, Trump refuses […]

News for June 14, 2019

| June 14, 2019

Trump’s bullying of Mexico with the threat of tariffs appears to have paid off with concessions from Mexico. A little bit of good news: Mexico has arrested two migrant rights activists for human trafficking. Mexico appears to step up border enforcement. We believe Trump’s trade war with China could end badly, but Stephen Moore makes […]

News for June 4, 2019

| June 4, 2019

Guillaume Dorocher analyzes the recent European parliamentary elections. The right-wing parties gained just a little support as the ruling parties lost support in most countries. The Communist Greens mostly gained votes. The exception was in England, where Nigel Farage’s new party won a stunning victory. Gilad Atzmon says Brexit is all about making Israel greater. […]

News for April 13, 2019

| April 13, 2019

Big Tech is becoming a security threat to the United States. Mainly because they want to do business with China. The federal government is creating 9,000 surveillance zones inside the United States. Montenegro, Albania in political turmoil. Not just Italy: Germany, France, and other European nations are cooperating with China’s Belt and Road. Counterpunch:  The […]

News for April 1, 2019

| April 1, 2019

Yossef Bodansky documents the formation of a new Mideastern alliance, Turkey, Iran, and Qatar. This group’s links with China will present problems for Russia and the United States. The FBI is investigating Hillary for financing Islamic terrorism. Delingpole analyzes the failures of Theresa May. She is Illuminati and has been sabotaging Brexit. European Union will […]

News for March 25, 2019

| March 25, 2019

What follows the Mueller Report? Well, cleaning out the swamp looks like a high priority: If you are waiting for President Trump to invade Venezuela, keep waiting. Putin says, better not. Maduro’s revenge: chemical fire in Houston, refinery fire in Los Angeles. More here. Open Revolt reports on 25 demands by the Yellow Vest movement. […]