NWO dirty tricks, Sept. 18, 2015

| September 17, 2015

George Soros-sponsored “human rights” groups are in Syria to subvert the Assad regime. We told you not to trust any group devoted to human rights. They are covers for NWO takeover. Reporting on the U.S.-sponsored “color revolutions” in Lebanon and Armenia. Mike Whitney has an incisive article on Obama’s alliance with Turkey’s President Erdogan to attack […]

As your world turned, March 6, 2015

| March 6, 2015

How the European (Socialist) Dream Is Dying, State by State. A graphic look at shifting public opinion on the EU. But public opinion is not shifting fast enough, and the Commie Jews have the proposed legislation to tighten the screws on dissenters. QE will buy the banks more time, and Greece seems to be getting […]

At the end of the year

| December 31, 2010

After a year of hard work we’re feeling a little lazy at the end of the year, so today’s post is just follow-up on news stories we collected over the past few weeks. Maybe you missed something. Most of these stories confirm trendlines we have already established. Economy Economic trends do not match the happy […]

Not just in Iraq and Afghanistan

| July 27, 2009

We haven’t quite figured out Aangrifan, but we recognize a good story when we see one, so today we’re going to send you to Aangrifan’s post on the wider war. Aangrifan says, It’s Not Just Afghanistan, It’s Everywhere….

Afghanistan, drugs, terrorism

| July 9, 2009

NWOU hates to write about Iraq and Afghanistan. We believe most reporting is slanted. Plenty of websites are devoted to these topics, so we don’t need to cover daily reports. And, we hate these wars. We’ve never been to Iraq or Afghanistan, and we don’t presume to have superior knowledge. But we suspect the relations […]

UN now favors drug decriminalization

| June 26, 2009

The United Nations has lined up with the Obama administration (or is it the other way around?) in favoring decriminalization of drugs. See the story at the Huffington Post. Meanwhile, the Telegraph reports that Britain is the cocaine capital of Europe, with 1 million estimated users.

Obama administration signals legalization of drugs

| June 23, 2009

On May 14 The Wall Street Journal reported that the Obama administration is ending the “War on Drugs.” Drug czar Gil Kerlikowske explained that the war rhetoric was being abandoned because people perceive the war on drugs as a war against people. Using liberal logic like this would, of course, justify abandonment of all U.S. […]