News for July 25, 2021

| July 24, 2021

Best news of the week: Rand Paul initiates criminal charges against Dr. Fauci. The covid death data war: The claims that there are more covid deaths among the vaccinated than among the unvaccinated are based on CDC data. The media are reporting the opposite and are ginning up a fear campaign against the unvaccinated among […]

Gay Hollyweird

| July 7, 2021

Subliminal Synchro Sphere has done some excellent research into the gay subliminal programming of Hollywood films. Hollywood: The Cinema of Sodomy “Hollywood is the sodomite capital of the world, all it does is employ sodomites (plus other LGBT elements) and make output that is sodomite affirming. THAT IS ALL THEY DO. This is all genres […]

News for June 20, 2021

| June 20, 2021

French President Macron has let slip the future strategy of the euroglobohomo controllers: To get rid of the central banks and put the IMF in charge of the global money supply. The plan is to sell gold to the IMF to finance a bailout of Africa aided by the bankruptcy of Italy. The IMF will […]

News for May 15, 2021

| May 15, 2021

What started the violence in Israel? The planned evictions of the Palestinians. More here. Netanyahu rejects Hamas peace offer in favor of invasion of Gaza. Putin is close to Israel, but he calls the current crisis a “direct threat to Russian security.” How the mainstream media hide Israel’s aggression. The jews took over world control […]

News for March 7, 2021

| March 6, 2021

Putin declares Russia free from the influence of the Rothschild-controlled U.S. dollar. Russia has expelled Jacob Rothschild’s New World Order banking cabal from Russia and has paid off the last of its loans. Finally, a world leader as great as Hitler. Russia announces it will shoot down any Israeli warplanes attacking Syria. There is a […]

News for February 20, 2021

| February 20, 2021

The Trump impeachment “not guilty” verdict was important because the Left was going to use the capitol break-in as justification for prosecuting all conservatives as terrorists. They will try to do it anyway, but with less justification. The capitol break-in was an FBI operation. And here. 6 Washington police officers have been suspended for their role in […]

News for January 30, 2021

| January 29, 2021

What the fake inauguration actually looked like. Biden administration is organizing Navalny protests in Russia. Catherine Austin Fitts, Planet Lockdown Biologist explains why there are going to be many deaths resulting from taking the vaccines. (Sound is missing for first minute or so.) Vaccine deaths are going to be a huge story in the future. […]