Illuminati notes, Part 1

| August 19, 2023

These notes are from our reading about the Illuminati after publication of The Hidden Masters. They supplement our posts The Jews Around Weishaupt, The Shabbatean Frankist Illuminati, The Wilhelmsbad Convention of 1782, and Trail of the Serpent.   When the Illuminati was formed on Walpurgisnacht (eve of May 1st), 1776, five men gathered in a […]

News for August 12, 2023

| August 11, 2023

“According to their own writings and the means they have already confessedly employed, the conspirators have deliberately planned and developed methods to mentally deteriorate, morally debase, and completely enslave the masses. They will prepare vaccines containing drugs that will completely change people. Secret Communist plans for conquering America were adopted in 1914 and published in […]

News for August 5, 2023

| August 4, 2023

Military coup in Niger backed by Russia. More news here. Neighbors threaten military action. Niger military junta cuts ties with France. No exports of uranium to France means France goes dark. U.S. will keep 1,000 soldiers in Niger. Biden wants to use Ukraine money to finance arms for Taiwan. 400,000 Russian troops advancing toward Kiev. Ukraine’s counteroffensive never […]

News for July 29, 2023

| July 28, 2023

Peace agreement has been negotiated between U.S. and Russia to halt Ukraine war. Russia gets territory and security assurances. Zelensky and his cabal have to go. NATO to position troops nearby to discourage further Russian advances. Not final yet. Patriots International Alliance is pushing for a ceasefire summit in Ukraine. Their mission statement. One Ukrainian […]

News for July 15, 2023

| July 15, 2023

NATO summit: Ukraine denied NATO membership, no peace negotiations, but Europe plans to further arm Ukraine. NATO is planning a wider war with Russia, but the allies are running short of weapons. NATO’s 6-month plan for Ukraine. Russia responds to NATO summit with list of its crimes, outlines plans for NATO worldwide expansion. Germany to […]

News for June 24, 2023

| June 23, 2023

  Putin reveals 2022 Ukraine peace treaty signed by Kiev but rejected by Biden. And here. Ukraine has ceased its counteroffensive. Too many losses. Thierry Meyssan writes Ukraine’s obituary. Maybe a little premature. Lavrov says globalism will end when the Ukraine conflict ends. More likely, another variety of globalism. The failed promises of globalism. China […]

News for April 22, 2023

| April 22, 2023

Russia admits destroying NATO command bunker in Kiev. Sounds like a serious blow, but the war continues. Russia’s hypersonic missiles. China’s Cathay Bank gave Senate Republicans records of Joe Biden’s financial transactions. Looks like the end of a beautiful friendship. Maybe arming Ukraine and driving Russia into alliance with China weren’t the best ideas, Joe. […]