News for December 30, 2023

| December 29, 2023

Tom Luongo has an excellent piece about the Houthi attacks on shipping. A bind for Biden and Netanyahu. More here. U.S. rushes weapons to Red Sea. ? Philip Giraldi editorializes about Biden’s support for Israel. Rabbi Schneerson’s plan to destroy Ukraine and Russia. Required reading. Russians liberate Maryinka. How aid to Ukraine is tied to […]

News for December 16, 2023

| December 16, 2023

Ukraine military wants to get rid of Zelensky. Polish truckers blockade border with Ukraine. Orban wants to block aid to Ukraine, but EU countries continue financial support. Hamas and Hezbollah get weapons from Ukraine. Xi Jinping purges top Chinese government officials. Scott Ritter notices that the U.S. military is corrupt. At COP28, Al Gore says […]

Illuminati notes, Part 4

| October 8, 2023

In the book “Origin of Freemasonry,” it says “The Mysterious Force was established in AD 43. It started when a counselor to King Herod came to him and complained that the followers of Jesus had a mysterious force. He said they should establish their own mysterious force to combat this Christian mysterious force. The purpose […]

News for September 23, 2023

| September 22, 2023

Ukraine fires all defense ministers, attacks Crimea and Black Sea Russian fleet as counteroffensive fails. Zelensky searches for more cash as Poland blocks further Ukraine aid. Ukraine government and NATO involved in child trafficking. 10 million Ukrainians have fled to Europe, and the cost of supporting these refugees is squeezing budgets. Former officials describe Zelensky’s […]

News for September 2, 2023

| September 1, 2023

Biden used fake names on over 5,400 emails to lubricate his corruption. World Economic Forum cancels U.S. elections: Niger demands France withdraw troops, ambassador. Europe mulls response. Another military coup in Gabon. GABON: Another bloodless coup and another round of jubilations by locals. The panic wave has finally arrived in Europe. Please watch to the […]

Illuminati notes, Part 2

| August 28, 2023

“As long as there remains among the Gentiles any moral conception of the social order, and until all faith, patriotism, and dignity are uprooted, our reign over the world shall not come… And the Gentiles, in their stupidity, have proved easier dupes than we expected them to be. One would expect more intelligence and more […]

News for August 26, 2023

| August 25, 2023

North Korea is demanding unification with South Korea under North Korean rule or it will attack the United States with nuclear weapons. Niger’s neighbors say they are ready to invade. Russia and China are ready to defend Niger coup. African war could ripple. Six new members join BRICS. Many more waiting to join. Biden’s foreign […]