Catching up

We’d like to give you a graduation certificate from New World Order University. To qualify, you must have the ancient history, the set-up of the criminal power pyramid, and the ability to gather news and interpret it correctly. You also need to have discarded all the false liberal ideas and freed your inner outlaw, but that is a subject for another day.

Check out your ability to stay up to date by comparing your news harvest with ours.


The economic war isn’t over. Europe’s bailout of Greece probably condemns the EU to further bailouts, lower growth rates, and a declining euro. What might save Europe? The collapse of the U.S.

Large withdrawals from Greek banks have Greek bankers asking for bailout money.

Europe’s debt wars promise to be ongoing. Continuing to take IMF loans is an unsustainable strategy.

Greece arrests leftist terror group.

Who resists the financial restructuring the most? The Communist unions. The same is true inside the United States. They have organized street power and the ear of the politicians, even though their jobs are entirely parasitical. Meanwhile, you take the higher taxes and lower economic growth and higher unemployment without a whimper. You really need to get tougher and get organized, sucker.

Greece’s economic problems are due to high illegal immigration rate. Purging the white race from Europe and replacing them with black Muslims isn’t a formula for economic growth, it simply enables the quick takeover of failing economies.


Germans’ opposition to War in Afghanistan threatens government support for war. We expect opposition to the war to increase to the point of causing problems for the executors.

Afghan puppet Karzai talks back to puppetmaster. The ruling coalition has come apart. Was it ever really together? Note the disinformation tactics of the U.S.: Karzai is “drugged out” or “crazy.” The controllers need some new slogans, the old ones are wearing out. The Afghanistan war is cracking like a rotten egg, and lots of people are wised up about this stream of corruption. Yet, the streets are silent. The Left must be too busy infiltrating the tea parties to protest the war.

United States

The U.S. housing market is getting worse. Housing starts don’t count, it’s housing foreclosures that matter.

The Fannie and Freddie black hole of debt. The ongoing leakage of U.S. Treasury funds to support failing mortages is a serious drain on U.S. financial stability. If they don’t solve this one, the U.S. date for going bankrupt draws nearer.

Obama readies Army unit to deal with U.S. civil unrest for November elections. Obama may want to make sure the elections (a) are fixed or (b) are foreclosed due to a national emergency (militia violence). Watch for phony “tea party violence” stories as we get closer to the election. The Left is infiltrating the tea parties now.

Mammoth glut of wheat worldwide. The U.S. doesn’t need to plant wheat this year. Put this statistic in the context of, false hysteria over resource shortages requiring population reduction.

States are borrowing from the federal government to fund unemployment benefits. More liberal unsustainable economic policies.

States move to block feds from gun regulation. Keep an eye on state initiatives to block the socialist takeover.

Oklahoma Tea Party wants to form statewide militia. Tack this story onto your read of Tax day protests.

This is the missing link between the tea parties and the militias and state resistance. When the whole state becomes a militia, the resistance will have turned the corner. Hang your hopes here.


chavez.jpgCastro loves Obamacare, but not everybody loves Castro. Tensions in Cuba.

Chavez raises food prices by 30 percent, inflation running at 25 percent in Venezuela.

Chavez devalues currency by 50 percent, transfers funds out of central bank.

Chavez supports Castro with oil money. Even with this income stream, Venezuela can’t build a good economy. Socialism always fails. It doesn’t help when the dictator loots the Treasury.

Global economy

Marc Faber advises elite money managers to buy farmland and gold because the U.S. is going to crash.

Barney Frank/Henry Paulson TARP corruption evidence.

Did the Fed bail out Europe?

And why should you care? Because the Fed’s refusal to open itself to scrutiny is one of the most important pegs supporting the global takeover.

IMF pulls more money out of national treasuries to deal with global financial crisis. All of the global institutions are criminal enterprises. If you haven’t figured this out, go to the back of the class and start over.

Why there is no solution to the debt crisis.

Long term. Short term, they can patch things together long enough to take us over completely. But, don’t rely on TV reports of the good economy for your picture of what is going on. Behind the scenes, there is a desperate search for money in almost every country around the world. There is an ongoing series of initiatives whereby countries approach each other looking for loans, and are refused. The alliances that are forming appear shadowy to us, and we may never know who is begging and who is getting stiffed. At the moment, the Saudis, Northern Europe, China, and India have cash. The U.S. is a beggar.

Cash-strapped states avoid paying tax refunds. Generally, states are not restructuring their budgets sufficiently to avoid bankruptcy.

If the future scenario plays out that the economically sound states allow establishment of statewide militias and resist federal initiatives while the liberal states continue to bankrupt themselves, we may have the optimum scenario for survival of the good and collapse of the evil. Hang your hat here.

NBC is proud of its brainwashing. You’ll notice that liberal TV gets more blatant and more vulgar every day, if you still watch. Don’t watch. It’s just a freak show.

The Bonn climate summit is an attempt to get a global treaty in front of the U.S. Senate this year, before the elections. They have to take us over this year. Notice that none of the global bureaucrats knows zip about the weather. They are just praying for a cash flow infusion and a little authority to oppress us. The “global elite” of socialist parasites. We need a new name for these traitors. How about, the global bureaucratic socialist scum elite?

Council of Europe report criticizes WHO for pissing away their credibility with a false H1N1 flu scare.

WHO appoints “independent committee” to investigate itself, but it’s the same old coverup committee.

Can the WHO retain its credibility, funding, and power? Sure. The investigators have to get to the heart of the scandal, the weaponization of the flu vaccine. Even today we see ads for flu shots on TV. Shameless.

The 2007 UN Climate Bible, which is supposed to be the accurate consensus on global warming, is really an advocacy document and is full of errors.

Thanks for confirming what we suspected. But exposure of climate science as junk science isn’t stopping the climatescammers because there is a lot of money in their pockets if they can get a “treaty” that legitimizes cap and trade legislation and carbon trading schemes. These are criminal enterprises.

Bill Gates is a New World Order vaccinator and climatescammer. If you haven’t by now rejected the official pantheon of heroes they have given you, you are lost. Environmentalism is a front for their true agenda, population reduction. Vaccines, foods, and drugs are their weapons.

How George Soros wants to reinvent economics for the global takeover. It may be that the only thing that is preventing global financial restructuring under the IMF and cap and trade is, competition among the various mafias to protect their present cash flow.

How the IMF hyped the crisis in Eastern Europe to ease its way into loaning Eastern Europe money. Does anybody have an idea about how to prevent the IMF from becoming the kingpin of the global financial order? This is a meaningful measure of our weakness. We can’t even imagine how to stop them from looting nations. The only way to do it is, first bring down the national leaders, then try to form an international coalition of good leaders to defund and disband the global institutions. So far, there are no good national leaders. We need at least one to get started in the right direction.


Bilderbergers to meet in Spain in June.

G20 to meet in Toronto in June. More dirty tricks ahead. They can see the finish line. Total global socialist tyranny.

How did your version of the news measure up?

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


2 Responses to “Catching up”

  1. An ounce of practice is worth a pound of preaching.

    The problem is that practice takes everyone outside their comfort zone, and toward an uncertain future unless the pathway is clearly defined. We’re still working on it, more thinking needed.

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