Carbon credits to be new world currency

Baron Rothschild called for a world agency to control carbon credit trading back in January. The story is at the Telegraph. Without a World Environment Agency, the global scheme for carbon emissions could not be enforced. Of course, this is going to mean loss of sovereignty. But that’s no problem for the climate control profiteers. Fits right into their takeover agenda.

The Times reported in March that embracing green is no problem for the world’s richest people and the largest corporations. They expect to make even greater fortunes from green investments. This may dismay the Communist greens who have been carrying the environmental football all these years, but, hey, Communist cadres always get betrayed. Thanks, suckers, for recycling and nagging everybody else, but the rich guys will take it from here. Buffet, Gates, the Google twins, the Brits, the Chinese, the Germans, all the multimillionaires will make more millions from government-subsidized green energy initiatives while your energy costs and taxes go up. Don’t forget General Electric, who is positioned to make billions in socialist health care and socialist energy financed by the government.

Wind energy is a key component of this criminal enterprise. To understand how successful windmills are in Germany, check out this report at the Wall Street Journal. Here’s the secret socialist formula: the cost of investing in windmills is so high that it has caused increases in utility bills. In response, Germans have bought 9 million indoor fireplaces that burn wood or coal. This, in turn, has pushed up the pollution in the air. Conclusion: green socialism is more expensive and more polluting than just leaving things the way they were. Surprised? We hope not, because this is just the beginning of absurd green socialism.

In the meantime, the Brussels mandarins have dreamed up “REACH,” which stands for “registration, evaluation and authorization of chemicals.” The pride and joy of EU chemical policy lists some 33,000 chemical compounds and 40,000 intermediate products that must be registered, evaluated and in some cases reauthorized. This procedure, destined to cost billions, will keep bureaucrats busy for the next few millennia. But it will do little for public health. The problem is that many potential health risks can only be determined through animal testing. But this seems even more horrifying to the Left than the untested use of these chemicals for humans. And so REACH prohibits repeating studies on vertebrates, which in many cases would be the only scientific way of checking old and possibly erroneous findings. Crushed between the zeitgeist’s chemo-phobia and concern for the well-being of laboratory mice, common sense has evaporated, along with jobs in the chemical industry.

Is there any possible end to the formula of more and more laws addressing more and more environmental fears? Nope. We’re going to get green socialism until everybody is afraid of everything, and much poorer. Then we’re going to get population reduction.

Bjorn Lonborg keeps up with green lobbying for subsidies and the transfers of wealth that will occur under the green regime. Note the close parallels between the green industry and the diversity industry.

The Council on Foreign Relations has weighed in with its plans for global governance. Guess what has to be sacrificed for the greater good of the world controllers? Yep, national soveriegnty, individual rights, democracy. Good thing the CFR is so close to President Obama, so he won’t miss out on any of their forward thinking.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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