Can Iceland be saved?

News story: McDonald’s has ceased doing business in Iceland. The Guardian considers this a “blow” to Iceland. Actually, it’s just three locations, and they will be reopening minus the McDonald’s name.

Silobreaker has several articles on the subject.

Digression: Why Indonesia promotes a boycott of McDonald’s.

You might think that the withdrawal of multinational corporations would be a sign of health for Iceland, or any other country under IMF control. But this particular story doesn’t signify anything of importance. We’ll have to dig deeper into Iceland’s situation to find out whether Iceland can be an anti-New World Order outpost.

Eva Joly on the blackmail of Iceland.

On the Icesave agreement.

What global economic warfare means. How the Left tries to build a socialist economy on the ruins of globalism.

The Movement is about trying to escape from the trench warfare of obsolete values. EU socialism in cooperation with big banker financial irresponsibility blocks solutions favorable to Iceland’s people. Iceland faces two problems, electing an honest government and repudiating predatory debt. A constitutional convention would be a step in the right direction, but it is obviously difficult to organize Iceland’s people to throw two groups of criminals out. The varieties of public opinion work against social stability, which is the first requirement for a successful reform movement.

Apparently the Icelanders are not able to envision a future in which the criminals are punished, the debt is repudiated, economy flourishes, and safeguards are put in place to prevent foreign banks from doing business in their country. Without the ability to summon a social power to break the control of the globalists, Iceland remains under the threat of debt peonage. Without a powerful and unified social force, many Icelanders flee rather than resist.

The Ministry of Ideas OK, but business formation should occur after the counterrevolution has repudiated the debt and hanged the criminals.

Voices of the People, advocating “radical change.” These people should be run off the island.

Understanding the fraud of party-dominated democracy.

The “shared sovereignty” EU and IMF sellout agenda.

A false analogy with Zimbabwe at Huffington’s post.

Iceland’s tea parties. Not enough to remove the criminals from power.

Alda analyzes Iceland’s character. Goofy subjective random observations.

Iceland is Europe’s most feminized nation. Iceland’s feminism means that Iceland cannot become a beacon and model for anti-New World Order activists, even though its people have become suddenly awake and are obviously victims of predatory global bankers and politicians.

Most likely, Iceland will spin its wheels debating various forms of democratic socialism even as its failing economy forces more people into basic capitalism. Iceland lacks a visionary leader able to chart a path out of its globalist banker-enforced Debt Depression. Iceland needs to clear its conceptual library of socialist and feminist propaganda before it can create a clear ground for new growth. There won’t ever be a stable Iceland until Iceland has a stable society giving voice to a unified anti-New World Order public opinion.

There isn’t going to be any feminist thinking that will rescue Iceland from its worst-case scenario, endless debt peonage. That isn’t how feminism operates. Feminists have money, power, and organization, but they never rescue anybody. Feminists create a small circle of thought and action, enslaving women in socialism under the slogan of “empowerment.” When Hillary Clinton led feminist pilgrimages to Communist China, it wasn’t for the purpose of rescuing Chinese women from feminism. Feminism destroys families and culture, creating a mass society of rootless individuals competing with each other for subsidies. Radical individualism controlled by politically correct slogans is simply a socialist prison without bars. Feminism has never saved anybody, let alone a nation, and the good guys of this world aren’t going to organize a cavalry to save the most feminized nation in Europe.

Feminists who complain about men’s lack of romanticism and chivalry are living in the past. Feminism quickly exhausts the social capital and forces men into responses of opposition. The men of Iceland are not suffering from some deficit of national character, they are acting like clods to avoid being taken over by feminist women. Male immaturity and crudeness are universal responses to feminist power relations, not a national character essence.

Guys, learn from the men of Iceland. It’s better to get drunk and act like a clod than get involved with a feminist.

All feminists live under fantasy formation, that is, they live in one world but imagine they are living in another. Probably most of Iceland’s feminists are unaware that feminism is part of the bankers’ agenda. The Rockefeller world depopulation foundations are now completely run by feminists. The big foundations are now cooperating with the big banks to exploit distressed economies. The low-level feminists probably care little that social breakdown benefits global bankers.

Feminism is entirely constructed and is imposed by anti-social activists. There is no such thing as some “natural feminism” arising from normal, healthy social life.

The literary critic Northrop Frye once wrote, “The age of heroic action and imaginative splendor died with the age of faith. Since then, Protestant secularism, liberalism, has produced a bloodless, envious, sedentary, skeptical, materialist middle class sissy as the typical man of our age.” That was written before the feminist takeover. Feminism purposely accelerates social degeneracy by further feminizing men in role-reversal perversion. The inherent flaw in Iceland is not lack of knowledge of the criminal exploitation, it is the continuing fog of green, feminist, and statist propaganda controlling thought. We see no sign in Iceland of a visionary leader clearing the conceptual propaganda field and embodying the old heroic values.

Bureaucrats ruling over a Marxist mass society will never reconstruct a stable society or save any country from looting and exploitation by the criminal international bankers. Every feminized pseudo-society opens itself to the rape of the various power centers of the New World Order.

The trench warfare of obsolete values keeps Iceland imprisoned under globalist looters. Iceland’s men need to recapture their control over violence and put politically correct thinking in the dustbin.

Dilemmas similar to those of Iceland are coming soon to a nation near you. But the possibility of debt repudiation depends on first identifying the criminals and exposing them to public shaming. The United States isn’t far enough along this arc of progress to be able to organize a public opinion that can stop the insiders from looting the system. Instead, the United States is on the verge of permanently being taken over by socialism. In this context, the idea that a “normal economy” will be “restored” contributes to the conceptual fog that holds the masses imprisoned under the old propaganda.

The United States does have one thing that Iceland lacks, a leader who understands the problem and has the vision of how to end the dominance of the Federal Reserve and the socialist government. Ron Paul has studied the history of the Federal Reserve closely, and he has sound proposals for auditing the Fed and then ending the Fed. Ron Paul’s proposals are the most sophisticated and accurate solutions to the present grip of the bankers over the people.

Ron Paul’s website claims 307 co-sponsors of his bill to audit the Fed. This would be enough to pass the bill. The only thing that has stopped the audit of the Fed is the Democrats’ refusal to allow the bill to come to a floor vote.

We have zero confidence in Barney Frank’s cooperation.

DailyPaul reports that Ron Paul’s original bill has been gutted by the Democrats. Ron Paul speaks about how the Democrats changed his bill. More on the Democrats’ duplicity at LewRockwell.

WSJ: There is a big difference between Fed oversight and ending the Fed. Sure, but that first step would be a big step.

More Ron Paul news and background. Tune in to Ron Paul’s book End the Fed. Ron Paul has the vision for an honest currency and an honest banking system to take us beyond predatory banking. Exploring Ron Paul’s thinking will take you a viable political solution and allies to support it. 75 percent of Americans favor auditing the Fed. This is not a fringe movement, it is the heart of the emerging majority people’s movement.

There is more to Ron Paul than ending the Fed. Ron Paul is savvy about U.S. foreign policy errors and is committed to a small government model. Ron Paul is our clearest visionary, our most prominent honest politician, and our best hope for an organized anti-New World Order Movement in the United States.

Iceland, meet Dr. Paul. He could be your role model for producing an honest man with good values who can chart a path past central bank control over the economy.

We’ve never been to Iceland, or to Ireland, so we don’t pretend to pass ourselves off as an authority on life in these countries. We might be missing something important. But we notice that Ireland voted to join the European Union long after big-bank corruption had been publicized. Ireland also faces debt peonage from the continuing bad investments and overleveraging of the bankers. We don’t believe socialist bailouts will do anything more than keep Ireland under control. Ireland didn’t have the right stuff to reject European socialism or bad banking practices or global governance. It folded into socialism, as if socialism could provide a good future. When your society is broken, your people cannot unite to resist exploitation by the New World Order. Can Iceland be saved? Not unless it reforms a society reinvigorated with heroic values devoted to truth-telling and self-defense. That is our formula for saving any nation from the New World Order network of global criminals.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


5 Responses to “Can Iceland be saved?”

  1. I couldn’t agree more. This is what I’ve been trying to say. You just put it into words better than I could.

  2. Insignia says:

    What you think about news – GOPers Hold ‘Prayercast’ to Ask God to Stop Health Reform ?
    Wanna hear your opinion

    OK with us, but prayer didn’t stop the Left from killing over 100 million people.

  3. You need think about it. Despite the emails, the overwhelming evidence showing global warming is happening hasn’t changed.
    “The e-mails do nothing to undermine the very strong scientific consensus . . . that tells us the Earth is warming, that warming is largely a result of human activity,” Jane Lubchenco, who heads the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, told a House committee. She said that the e-mails don’t cover data from NOAA and NASA, whose independent climate records show dramatic warming.
    We’re bored by the global warming rhetoric. As far as we are concerned, the science is settled, the “global temperatures” are cooling. Here is the link to the facts. Click on the Global Warming link. The planned deception is here:

    “We need to get some broad based support,to capture the public’s imagination…So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements and make little mention of any doubts…Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest.”
    – Prof. Stephen Schneider, Stanford Professor of Climatology,lead author of many IPCC reports

    “No matter if the science of global warming is all phony…climate change provides the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.”
    – Christine Stewart,former Canadian Minister of the Environment

    “The data doesn’t matter. We’re not basing our recommendations on the data. We’re basing them on the climate models.”
    – Prof. Chris Folland, Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research

    We wish the global temperatures were warming, it would be good for agriculture. If you don’t accept this, we don’t care, move on. This site isn’t for liberals. We won’t be posting any more of your comments. We’re bored with the topic. Not everyone can grasp that they have been fooled.

  4. Nikarpov says:

    Dear Author !
    I apologise, but, in my opinion, you are mistaken. I can prove it.

    Well, don’t stop there, let us know what you know. We are always pleased to get superior information.

  5. forex robot says:

    Great post this will really help me.

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