Can Democrats wake up?

Left-wing opinion is a waste of our time, but today we’ll call attention to Frank Rich’s column in the New York Times, “Is Obama Punking Us?”, because liberal opinion may be in the process of deserting Obama. This doesn’t really matter that much, but we’re in a lighthearted mood, so today we’re taking a break from the difficult work and having a look at the pathetic Frank Rich.

“Nothing’s changed for the common guy,” she said. “I feel like I’ve been punked.” She cited in particular the billions of dollars in bailouts given to banks that still “act like they’re broke.”

Rich quotes a real estate agent who voted Democrat (what sort of creature is that?) who uttered what may become a popular slogan that summarizes Obama’s lies, “I feel like I’ve been punked.” Naive folks who voted for Obama have been punked, and independents are now switching support away from Obama, but what about the true believers? Is Obama punking them?

“What disturbs Americans of all ideological persuasions is the fear that almost everything, not just government, is fixed or manipulated by some powerful hidden hand, from commercial transactions as trivial as the sales of prime concert tickets to cultural forces as pervasive as the news media.”

Rich’s statement about everything being manipulated by some powerful hidden hand is correct, as far as it goes, but Rich wanders off into discussion of media and lobbyists. He might have had an opportunity to actually find that powerful hidden hand, but his vision is too narrow to find it. Rich, representing all liberals for us in this example, believes the hidden hand controlling things is the capitalist establishment, Wall Street and the big corporations, the big capitalist interests the Freedom Fest folks were defending in their recent meeting in Las Vegas. Media deals and Dick Army’s Freedom Works have nothing to do with the hidden hand. When Rich names the Goldman-Citi executives who flow into government and make policy, he’s getting warmer. We’re glad that Wall Street bonuses make ordinary people angry, but that’s not the hidden hand, it’s just a symptom and a scandal.

As long as Rich and other liberals continue to look to the Right for the hidden hand, they will be confused. You cannot understand the problem by viewing the Right (or big capitalism) from the point of view of the Left.

Readers of The Hidden Masters know who the hidden hand is. Even if you are not armed with the correct history, just reading this blog identifies more “hidden hands” than Frank Rich will ever find. Just think for a moment about all the actors you know about from our recent posts, The Club of Rome, The World Bank and International Monetary Fund, the G20 agreements, the Acorn network, Agenda 21, the Sierra Club, Earth First, and other population control groups, Obama’s Communist czars, Reconquista and Eurabia, the free trade agreements, the Communist China/Bill Clinton/Walmart/Group of Thirty Communists, Hugo Chavez’ immigration takeover from the South, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, the Bilderburgers, the Council on Foreign Relations, the network of disappearing and reforming UN agencies and nongovernmental institutions, the Lucis Trust, DARPA and the futurist think tanks, all those European Union committees who meet secretly day after day to negotiate the European takeover, the North American Union committees, the Federal Reserve, we could go on and on.

Frank Rich and his liberal New York Times crowd will never figure it out, even when they sense that everything is being manipulated. You have to drop all Marxist conditioning and abandon Marxist concepts as a first step on the journey to truth. Frank Rich and similar liberals are simply useful idiots caught up in the campaign promises and the empty political rhetoric of day to day events. They still imagine that the people are citizens, democracy works, opinions matter. They can’t see the big avalanche coming their way because they are lost in some idealistic thinking about rights, freedom, equality, and other misleading abstractions. That is not how the world works. It’s a long-term plan for Communist takeover, enlisting support from the bankers and the monopoly capitalists as long as they are useful.

Can the Democrats wake up? No. They will come to understand that Obama is working for Wall Street and corrupt capitalism, but that is as far as they can go with their limited conceptual understanding. They are unable to focus on the global agreements that are putting Wall Street and the Fed under global control. They can’t see the plans, even though they have been written down and reported for decades. Some Democrats may become cynical about Obama’s socialism as just another corrupt deal, but they will be unable to see that socialism itself in any form is a corrupt deal. So close, yet so far. We can’t hope for a Democratic awakening that will be of any use to us.

We report a lot of heavy stuff at New World Order University. It’s no fun to figure out how many powerful interests are working against the common people. It’s depressing, and it’s difficult to formulate a good strategy for resistance or even for self-preservation. But today let’s pause and count our blessings. At least we’re not confused liberals. There really is no hope for these guys, even if they figure out that they got punked. They will never be useful as allies because they are so stupid. We’re not compassionate toward them either. You’ll notice we’re not trying to organize some “let’s educate liberals” program of mass deconditioning. Even if you could de-brainwash a few brains, the public schools and the media are too powerful, they keep churning out new idiots faster than anyone could undo the damage.

We’ll keep working on resistance and survival strategies in the days ahead. Today let’s pause and thank God for our superior knowledge. At least we’re not wasting our time in the land of mass opinions trying to figure out whether the president is a good socialist imposing totalitarianism or a bad socialist negotiating corrupt deals.

We explained who Obama was in our posts months ago. He is The Man Without Qualities, the man nobody will ever know, the tabla rasa on whom the masses project their fantasies. A man incapable of leadership, a girly man. Not Abraham Lincoln or Franklin Roosevelt, not a constitutional lawyer or an Egyptian pharaoh, not even a joker pulling a bait and switch, just a community organizer whom no one ever said no to in the age of affirmative action, an empty suit who mouths sweet phrases and hypnotizes the masses. Not exactly a puppet but a man who knows the plan and his humble place in furthering the global takeover. The perfect weak liberal fool to sacrifice America to the New World Order.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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