California’s post-election crisis

Liberals are relatively quiet about California’s budget crisis because their irresponsible policies caused it. Conservatives see the budget crisis as a model for all that is wrong with liberal spending policies and a warning sign of trouble ahead for other states. California’s model of fiscal destruction features funding for unionized state employees, expansion of prisons and high salaries for prison employees, funding of services for illegal immigrants, and overfunding for education.

“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves money from the public treasure. From that moment on the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most money from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy followed by a dictatorship.” Alexander Tyler

At the federal level, prison spending is not a big part of the budget, but building the militarist police state is. With tax revenues declining sharply at all levels of government, the federal government should have entered the same crisis California is experiencing, but printing of money by the Federal Reserve has delayed the day of reckoning. Add government takeover of health care, underfunded Social Security and Medicare, and the “stimulus” and “earmark” spending and you have the perfect storm threatening the bankruptcy of the federal Treasury.

Background on California’s budget crisis from Thomas Lifson at The American Thinker.

Tom McClintock, California’s most respected conservative office-holder, explains how the liberals took over California’s government and centralized it. McClintock thinks we are witnessing a “Greek tragedy.” Wrong metaphor. The tragic Greeks didn’t know who they were or why they acted the way they did. The socialists are spending other people’s money recklessly on purpose.

The SF Chronicle tracks lower tax revenues and predicts California may stop paying its bills in two months. One of the perils of borrowing money to stay afloat instead of cutting spending is having to actually pay the money back, with interest.

The Examiner notices that California spends billions providing services to illegal immigrants who want to take over (reconquer) California. It doesn’t make much sense to ordinary folks, but it is the backbone of the New World Order. Andy Arnold at the Examiner also assesses the cost of illegal immigration to California. It appears that spending to support illegals amounts to about half of California’s budget deficit.

The LA Times reports that Governor Schwarzenegger is considering eliminating welfare, health care, and college grants from California’s budget. Fine. Every new government program forms a constituency that wants to lobby for its continuation. Ignore these lobbies, even if the program seems worthy. All such programs are better handled by the private sector and private charity.

George Will examines the Obama administration’s role in requiring California to spend more on health care for the elderly. The keywords here are, fostering dependency, unions, and corruption.

Cities face revenue shortfalls and may disincorporate themselves. The Wall Street Journal describes how this works.

Martin Hutchinson wonders if California could be split into three smaller states. Such proposals have been floating around California for a century and have never gotten anywhere. But thinking smaller is thinking in the right direction.

Thomas Fleming at Chronincles Magazine raises the issue that many are too gutless to raise, the question of how the race and culture of immigrants affect the native culture. Fleming understands that illegal immigration from Mexico is a racial takeover supported by Democrats and Communists in order to control the Hispanics as a voting constituency and replace the white population. Fleming believes the dilemma of living in California under socialism can be solved by migrating to another country, then minding your own business. The Comments following this article are worth a read. Fleming’s suggestion is on the mind of many fed-up Californians. Many have already left. We’ll have further discussion of this strategy in future posts on alternative futures.

The Kick Them All Out Project has a post by BMcDonald that is worth reading. McDonald blames the problem of illegal immigration on “Mexico’s corrupt government” rather than on NAFTA, but other posts on this page do refer to the NAFTA conspiracy. Mexicans are not going to be allowed to build up their own country until NAFTA is repealed and Mexico undertakes land reform.

Migration from Mexico is temporarily declining due to the swine flu outbreak.

So let’s deal with the racial and ethnic faultline the Left exploits to pose as friends of immigrants. Let’s suppose you were a Mexican farmer who was forced to migrate to California due to U.S. dumping of cheap foodstuffs. You pay some coyote to take you to Watsonville, and you get a temporary job in the field paying about minimum wage. The farm owner is a white guy. Wouldn’t you rather work for a Mexican farm owner? Sure you would, because you believe someone of your own race will be more sympathetic to you. Wouldn’t you rather work in Mexico for a Mexican farm owner than travel to California? Sure you would. Wouldn’t you rather own your own land in Mexico and farm it, even if you couldn’t make a lot of money from it, just to have a home in a stable community where everyone is the same ethnicity and shares the same culture? Yes, everybody feels the same way, they would rather have a homeland and build up their own economy with their families and kin than migrate and work for somebody else. What prevents this? NAFTA, free trade agreements, the New World Order.

The New World Order is a plan for national and social destruction so that everyone will be enslaved under multiculturalism, controlled by the Communists. The corporations go along with it because they profit from the cheap labor. This is the Era of Cooperation.

Liberals who vote to spend other people’s money to provide services to illegals are not compassionate friends of the Mexicans. They are socialist gangsters feeding off the misery of others, and until they support repeal of NAFTA, they are doing nothing to solve the problem of the displacement of Mexicans from Mexico. Liberals are not the friends of Mexican migrant workers. They are New World Order enablers who hope to benefit from the social and economic chaos their policies cause.

The American Cause offers an analysis of last year’s election in terms of candidates’ positions on immigration. Amnesty remains an issue on our national agenda. The point of the analysis is, not many liberal candidates are willing to come out in favor of amnesty because the majority of Americans do not favor amnesty. Opposing amnesty might become an issue in the next election favoring Republicans, but the more important point of this analysis is how the Left hides and how it pretends to represent a majority when it usually doesn’t, and on this point we can all perk up a bit and take hope.

We expect the immigration and amnesty issue to bubble up to the top of the national agenda. But the Left won’t bring it up for debate and voting until they feel they have the votes to win. This “delay” is actually a good thing because it looks to us like the Left’s control over racial identity politics is slipping.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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